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Jungkook's coughing sound made Seokjin turn his head, he ran to the bed not bothering to answer Yoongi's question.

" Jungkook... Jungkook...are you awake? Can you look at me?? What's happening??"

Seokjin took Jungkook in his arms, cradling him to his chest. Jungkook is burning up it's driving him insane.

" what you give him? He is coughing. He is burning up."

Yoongi took a seat at the corner of the bed and looked so calm for Seokjin.

" He is responding for medicine, don't worry he will be alright"

" Stop saying that...stop saying it so casually, he is....burning. He....what medication it was? Who prepared it?"

" Seokjin, do you think it's an important thing now? Isn't it that bathing him to reduce the temperature is more important?"

Seokjin glared at Yoongi before trying to lift Jungkook in his arms.

" Oh, wait. I know you are strong but I don't think you can carry him to the bathing area. Let me call the guards"

Yoongi called the guards, and with their help, Jungkook was carried to the bathtub.

" All of you leave "

Seokjin ordered while removing Jungkook's clothes, guards followed the order. To Seokjin's distaste, Yoongi is still standing there.

" Can you also leave, I have to bathe him. "

" Hmm, I will send A-Yeong -"

" I said you to leave, Yoongi shi. I know how to give a bath to him "

Yoongi chuckled before leaving, why is he so unserious about the situation? Seokjin got distracted hearing Jungkook's whimpering sounds.

He removed Jungkook's remaining cloth and poured the water from his shoulder, The water was not too hot or cold. He hopes his fever comes down after this. After 10 minutes of the bath, he got up from the tub as he also had to sit in the tub to hold Jungkook, and he got soaked. Now he doesn't know how to carry Jungkook back.

A knock on the door, made Seokjin flinch. He is completely wet. But Jungkook needs to be carried back to bed.

" Yeah"

" It's Prince Taehyung, seokjin......can I come in?"

Hearing Taehyung's voice Seokjin got calm.

" Yeah, Prince Taehyung  you can "

Taehyung came inside, he ducked his head down when he understood Seokjin was completely wet and uncomfortable.

" Seokjin, if the bath is over can I carry Jungkook back to the bed? You can take time to change "

" Yeah, thank you "

They didn't exchange any words further, Taehyung carried Jungkook back, and Seokjin sat back in the tub taking time to breathe, to cry.

Taehyung placed Jungkook on the bed after wiping him. He put the clothes which were prepared and kept them on the bed. And lighted the medicinal powder in the cup to create light smoke in the room, it's an extract from the medicinal tree, and the smoke going to help Jungkook boost his immunity.

Taehyung stroked Jungkook's thin hair, he couldn't help but tears rolled down his cheeks.

" I am sorry, Jungkook. It's all because of me. I...I didn't know........I am so sorry. I promise we will do anything to save you. My little brother. I...Jungkook, will you forgive me? I am so selfish Jungkook.

I....it's....it's Seokjin, Kookie. You always asked me right? Who stole my heart? It's Seokjin....i....always loved him, but still now I couldn't move on. I...I am ashamed to say this but....i....really wanted to feel how it is to sit with Seokjin for the rites, it's just...I wanted to experience things with him, as an alpha and omega. But I swear I didn't know it was all going to end like this.

I am so sorry, Jungkook. If these monsters are real, and behind my life then I should go...all are saying Seokjin is my shield but I don't want him to sacrifice his life for me. How can I? When all the life I lived dreaming of how to make him happy and feel loved....how can I see him die because of me?

It's a promise I won't let anything happen to Seokjin. I will find out what's all happening behind our backs. But, you have to be strong okay, our Jungkookie, is strong right? You have to come back to us. Please...."

Taehyung slumped on the floor, beside the bed while holding Jungkook's hand in his. He wants to scream and cry out loud. But he can't.

" Prince Tarhyung..."

Seokjin is here. In his white attire, he looks like an angel. How did Taehyung let it all happen?

" Seokjin...."

" Please, don't cry. Jungkook will get better soon. And...how are you?"

" I am alive. I don't know why I became unconscious suddenly. My body feels sore. I am fine..............will you.....will you forgive me Seokjin?"

Seokjin sat beside Taehyung, he could understand how guilty he might be feeling.

" Prince Taehyung it's not your fault. I do believe it's all planned. I hope you will help me to find out who it is "

Taehyung nodded his head while looking at Jungkook.

" As soon as I find that person, I will kill them. No mercy. And.....Seokjin please take care of Jungkookie, if you need anything, everyone will be here. Yoongi Hyung, Hoseok, and.....Jimin...too. And also....please take care of yourself too. Please...."

Taehyung's free hand reached Seokjin's cheek caressing a little. But soon seokjin moved back creating a distance while promising to take care of Jungkook and himself.

After a few minutes, Taehyung left the room, and the queens again visited Jungkook, they stayed for some time. Jungkook's mother didn't eat anything from the morning.

Seokjin closed all the windows when the moon became too bright as the cold wind filled the room. Jungkook shivered a little making Seokjin curl up beside him.

He leaned down and rubbed his scent over Jungkook. Helping him to maintain the temperature which came down after the bath. Without concise Seokjin started humming while caressing his alpha's hair. Jungkook looks so soft.

Seokjin rested his head on Jungkook's chest he prayed to all the gods for Jungkook to open his eyes miraculously. He hopes they will get an antidote soon. He wishes Jungkook to be alright when they wake up in the morning.

How much ever he resisted he slipped to sleep. The emotional exhaustion drained him enough to fall asleep on Jungkook's chest.

Seokjin nuzzled more into Jungkook when the warm hands winded around his waist.

" You are heavy "

A voice whispered near Seokjin's ear but he was in deep sleep to hear anything.

" Do you love me, Seokjin? ....hmm??"

Jungkook lifted his head to look at Seokjin's face while his grip tightened on his hips, surely leaving a mark behind. He pulled Seokjin more into him.

His omega.

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