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" I came here to talk about important things with Prince Taehyung, so will you do us a favor and shut your mouth for some time??"

Seokjin was not intended to come out rude or something, but it's like he can't help but snap when it's Jungkook. He surely wakes the devil inside him.

" oh, wow really, try to shut me up then??"

That's why Seokjin always tells Jungkook that he doesn't have common sense, he is proving him again right. He let his pheromones spread in the room to intimidate Seokjin, he stood in Seokjin's personal space, eye to eye, nose to nose, lips to lips. He has this stubborn ass of not knowing when to level down.

So, seokjin took that role and controlled his anger, letting out his calm pheromones, see seokjin was not intimidated or something, it's just....just....wait, is that Jungkook wavered?? His pheromone is wavering, is it because of Seokjin's scent?? So Seokjin does have a hold on Jungkook's anger now.!!!


" Becoming puppy from the wolf, looked nice, Alpha "

Seokjin leaned in and whispered into Jungkook's ear, it looked as if he was rubbing his scent on Jungkook to calm him down.

" You will pay for your every stupid action, Kim Seokjin"

Jungkook didn't whisper back, he was loud making Seokjin knit his eyebrows.


" Alpha, we are here to ask your help in  searching for Hoseok "

It's Jimin, who thought it was sensible to do the work for which they came or maybe he wanted Taehyung's gaze to sway from Seokjin. Because it was too painful to watch.

Taehyung cleared his throat, trying to calm himself, he can't just sit in front of everyone and let them see how pathetic he is. He wonders if Jimin can understand his every feeling, his every emotion!!? as he is his mate now.

" Nobody needs to worry, Hoseok is alright. He is right now in the shelter room near the forest area. "

Jungkook answered looking at Seokjin whose eyes got widened followed by the blinks repeatedly. He looked like a dear. A lost dear.

No, not cute. Jungkook wanted to look away. But he couldn't.

" what the hell?? Near the forest area...it means...there is no good availability of food, and no security...or are you insane?? Why is he there?? Are you the reason?? Why, is it because he is beta?? I am sick of your mental health, Jungkook. I hate you so much"

Seokjin screamed his lungs out. He can't wrap his head around Hoseok staying all alone in that ghost place. Jungkook can't be this cruel, well he is.

" I know you love to hate me, keep doing that "

Jungkook walked out ignoring the curses from Seokjin.

"Oh, God what should we do now???"

" you guys don't need to worry, Hoseok is safe "

The warm-filled voice echoed in the room making everyone look at the door.

Yoongi, Namjoon's mate. He held on to Jungkook's arm tightly, not letting him go. It's not like Jungkook doesn't have the power to push Yoongi off, but still, he acted like Yoongi held him there.

" Yoongi Hyung "

All of them bowed at Yoongi, and for that, he smiled before dragging Jungkook back.

"Seok-jin, I know you are brave and smart but I think you should first listen to what others say completely. Acting on impulse doesn't help you. Jungkook is your mate so you should learn how to behave with him and the same goes for Jungkook. And coming to Hoseok, he is fine. I met him in the morning again. He is doing fine. He needs time for himself. So wherever he is, he is safe now. And don't worry Jungkook is the one who took Hoseok's security responsibility. "

Yoongi's words gave comfort to Seokjin and Jimin, they didn't understand what happened. And they now want to meet Hoseok.

" We want to meet him"

" That's not possible, Seokjin "

Nobody is fucking understanding, seokjin heard Hoseok talking as if his being alive is the biggest crime, what if he does something to himself. No, at any cost he will meet Hoseok.

And Seokjin did what came to his mind.

" Jungkook, I want to meet Hoseok. If it's dangerous for me to go outside then fight that danger, I am asking you as your mate, as your omega. It's your responsibility. "

No seokjin didn't expect what he heard.

" Then hop on Miri, make sure to face me "

Yoongi shook his head, he knew how disastrous Jungkook and Seokjin's combination was. Both are not familiar with the word 'taking back'. But he is sure Seokjin will not get a scratch until he is with Jungkook.

Also, nothing can indeed happen to Taehyung until he is with Seokjin, it's something Namjoon reveals in front of him considering Yoongi is his mate and the only person he wants to share his worries with. And he will keep these matters to himself until he is buried under the earth.

Yoongi looked at Seokjin who was looking at Jungkook who had a smirk on his face, this brat. And Taehyung sat there with his closed eyes,yoongi knew it was Seokjin whom Taehyung fell for. But he can't support him in this. He just hopes Jimin finds a way for Taehyung's heart. He wants all of them to be happy but it seems like a foolish wish.

Soon Jungkook and Seokjin left the palace hoping on Miri, while Taehyung ordered servants to get Jimin to Hoseok in the carriage and he took a horse ride beside Jimin's carriage.

It was a little longer ride, they left the palace when the sun was exactly on their head, and they reached when the sun completely set in.

Jimin peeked out of the carriage to see how his alpha bearing the sun. It's so hot it feels as if the sun is drinking all the water in their body. He feels a little guilty about sitting inside the carriage. But how can he talk against his alpha's decision!? So he leaned back thinking about what he should do now.

Taehyung..... will he ever like him?? Will he ever accept him as a mate by heart, not just for society? If he is not then Jimin has to accept whatever decision his alpha takes. That is what he taught to be all of his life.

But it hurts, is it a sin he felt his alpha is unfair, his alpha is inflicting pain on him?

No, he can't. He has to win Taehyung. Seokjin is mated too, so Taehyung has to get over him....right?? Maybe he should get pregnant?? Giving pups to alpha is an omega's existence reason. Yes, as his mom told him he should get pregnant soon, then his alpha will love him, and accept him.

Jungkook's smirk is blinding Seokjin's view. God, can he just punch him, oh no...not until he reaches where Hoseok is. After that surely he will punch him, maybe a black eye will satisfy Seokjin.

" My omega is thinking about how to kiss me??"

For that sarcastic tone, seokjin clicked his tongue. The uneven forest road is not helping as both of their bodies keep on colliding with each other. Fuck, Jungkook's body feels made of some iron.

" oh yeah, wanting to see how my kiss will look on your eye. surely you will look hot with a black eye "

" so you know in which I look hot too, kinky sSeokjin

" Fuck you "

" oh no, Miri won't let you sit on her again, if you fuck me now "

" stop taking the literal meaning out of it and now tell me where you met Hoseok!?"

Jungkook gives a light tap to his horse increasing the speed, making Seokjin clutch him.

" What makes you think I am going to answer your questions!! , you can ask these things to Hoseok if he wants to talk about it "


Seokjin can't understand why he even thought Jungkook might be a good person for saving Hoseok. It's an illusion. Jungkook and goodness can't come together.

He knows one thing for sure he hates Jungkook from all of his fibers.

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