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Seokjin stood in front of the court persons who were so busy gasping and whispering about the miracle that happened. It's been a week since queen-mother told them she believes Seokjin is alive and now he is here unharmed, healthy, and taking his throne.

" Jungkook, I thought I lost you with your father. You are here alive. God, I thought of taking away my life. without you and your father, there is no reason for me to be alive "

Jungkook's mother clung to her son as if he would disappear anytime. Seeing Jungkook after months gave her a reason to continue her life.

" Mother I am here now. Please don't talk like that"

" yes, yes...I won't. You are here unharmed what more I can ask for "

"yes, it's all a miracle. It proves deity is on our side. Our kingdom will see all the coming spring and our people will enjoy their life like prior. As our late king wished, pure blood omega is here. To guide us, to protect us, and to bless us. We are so happy to meet you our Highness.

Bow down

We all pray for your long life majesty"

The whole court followed the minister and bowed in front of Seokjin who was standing there hand clutching to his chest. Hundreds of people bowed to him calling him their God itself. They believe he is going to be their protector. Can he? Does he even have that much power?

He flinched a little when the cold hands caressed his back.

" let me show my warm welcome to our majesty. Can I?"

Queen Mother gestured for a hug, and Seokjin nodded looking at the princes who were standing at the edge of the throne.

" oh, my son. You went through so much. I wish all the happiness for you. I will be here with you, helping in any way I can. I know you will give your mind, heart, and soul for this kingdom "

Queen Mother hugs Seokjin while all the faces light up with the smile. Still, few court persons did not like the development and princes kept their faces neutral.

" Welcome, to my play seokjin "

Queen-mother whispers before freeing him from the hug.

" You think I don't know what's happening? Let me tell you, you are all pawns in my play. However, I say you will all move like that."

Seokjin knew she was evil, but looking at her from this near into her eyes, breathing the same air, and hearing her whispers gave chills down his spine.

How can anyone be this cruel?

"Well, I know you are trying to give work to your brain and to make plans against me. Try it. But, nothing will work out. Accept your fate and be my pawn otherwise, you will die like your father Kim Nam Gil. oh, how I wish he would have been here to see his son taking the throne but he wanted to die badly from my sword."

No, what is he hearing? She killed his father. His father died not because of the monsters but because this cruel evil woman killed his father.

" And take care of the little one inside you "

Seokjin eyes widen hearing her, what the hell is she speaking?  without consciousness, his hand landed on his abdomen, where that queen mother's hands brushed over.

" I can see through bodies. And the little one inside you is so precious. Hmm, he looks like our Jungkookie, such a pretty fetus. "

Seokjin shook his head, he felt a little dizzy and his throat constricted. He gasped to take a breath. His eyes searched for his mate for support, protection, for comfort.

This omega is so evil, so evil. Is he pregnant? How he doesn't know? Is she playing with him? But...what she meant taking care of his child, why is she concerned? What is she going to do? Is she can do anything to his unborn baby?

No...no he won't let her....no...

" Your majesty, can you address the court? We will follow your instructions. "

" Ah, minister, I would love to hear our majesty's words too but I think Majesty needs proper rest. Let's all give breath to our lord. I will take care of today's meetings. What you tell my lord "?

Seokjin nods his head in a daze. He just wants to get out of this space. He thinks it's all a bad decision. He can never be the king. He can never play these mind games. He can never be cruel.

The meeting gets dismissed, and Seokjin is guided by Jimin and Hobi to his new chambers. Even the minister said he would rearrange the king's room however Seokjin wants.

" Seokjin, are you okay?"


He is not. He is not okay. He just got threatened by an evil lady about killing his unborn.

She will not right? Maybe she is just messing up with him. He looks at Jimin, his mouth open. No, he can't....he members the queen-mother's last words he told him to keep his mouth shut otherwise...otherwise she will....oh no... his mouth goes dry.

" Do you want to share something?"

" No... it just...overwhelming"

"of course it is. You are really brave Seok-jin. We are proud of you"

Hoseok encourages him to remove his coat and boot followed by the knives he kept hidden under his clothes.

" You....do....you guys sense any changes in me? Like...like anything..."

" of course now your aura changed. I can see the blue aura around you. All that king aura "

Hoseok tried to lighten the mood, Jimin smiled and helped Seokjin remove more of his cloth layers.

" I will check on your bathing water once "

Hoseok goes to check on the bathing area while Jimin arranges his new clothes.

" You guys don't need to do all these things''

" we know. It's the first day, I don't want you to get any more overwhelmed with all the servants beside you. "

Seokjin is thankful to his friends for thinking about him but all he needs is to be alone.

" Seokjin bath is ready "

Seokjin's hands lying on his abdomen don't move a bit when they bathe him. What and all is Seokjin going to lose in this game? But...why does he have to lose anything? What wrong he did do? He lost his parents to the evil people's plan now... his mate... His...child...no.

Seokjin is not ready to lose anything.

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