Chapter 41 - intimidating

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Neymar POV

"Oh come on Neymar, at least put a smile on your face, this weekend is going to be fun."
Francesca said as we approach her friends house,
Apparently her friend birthday is tomorrow and her brother invited some off her close friends to surprise her.
I low key didn't want to come but Francesca insisted that I join her,
She told me that she was there for me trough my surgery and recovery and the most I could do in return is attend a party with her.
So basically I had no choice, speaking if my injury Im doing much better I'm walking perfectly,
I have no pain or discomfort so my doctor gave me the ok to restart training a little.

"We're here."
Francesca said taking me out my thoughts,
I look out the he window coming face to face with a huge mansion.
But what caught my attention the most was how heavily guarded the place was,
their are men in black military uniform standing around the entire property.

"Are these people politicians or something?"
I asked pointing to the men.

"No, they are just rich,"
"They own mostly all the hotels, casino and clubs in the city."
"I really don't know why they have this much security."
Francesca said shaking her head as we got out of the car.

A Latino looking guy covered in tattoos said walking towards us, he was also dressed in black.

"The boss lady isn't home she's still at work, so come in and make yourself comfortable."
"I'll have my men take your luggage to your room."
He said gesturing us to follow him inside.
And if you want thought outside the house was beautiful you could just imagine the inside,
I felt like I was in a palace.

After touring the entire property which was huge as hell, Francesca and I decided to chill out in the backyard by the pool that literally looked like a beach

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After touring the entire property which was huge as hell,
Francesca and I decided to chill out in the backyard by the pool that literally looked like a beach.
I was strolling trough my phone when suddenly we were interrupted by a familiar voice.
My eyes widened as I saw Emily approaching us with a very similar expression on her face as mine.
I watched as Francesca got up greeting her.

"Emily this is my boyfriend Neymar,"
Francesca said pointing to me.

"So you're the birthday girl."
I said not knowing what to say that won't sound weird.

"Actually no"
"It's my sister Bella's Birthday tomorrow."
She said smiling awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, it's actually my fault for the confusion,"
"This is the first time Neymar is meting my friends,"
Francesca said laughing.

"Well that explains everything."
Emily said smiling.

"So how did you land yourself a famous footballer?"
Emily joke taking a seat next to us.

"We actually met at a party in Paris,"
"I made the first move."
Francesca said smiling proudly.

"Bella is literally going to die when she sees who's your boyfriend."
Emily said sarcastically to Francesca while giving me a side eye.

After an hour of chatting mostly between Francesca and Emily,
Francesca decided to go get changed leaving Emily and I alone.

"First off all before you say anything I had no idea Francesca and Bella are friends."
I said.

"This is so funny, I can't wait to see Bella's face when she sees you, especially with her best friend."
Emily said taking a sip off champagne.

"So if Bella is living in Spain that means her and Alex are over?"
I asked.

"Yep but I'm not gonna go into details about that,"
Emily said letting out a sigh.

"Then why didn't she contact me then,"
"the reason she couldn't be with me was because off Alex,"
"If he's out off the picture why didn't she call me?"
I asked looking at Emily.

"I don't know Neymar,"
"Bella is a very complicated person but what I know for sure she always has a reason for doing the things she does."
"If you want answers you are going to have to speak to her."
"And good luck with that, hopefully Francesca doesn't get suspicious of you two."
She said raising her eyebrows as we walked back inside the house.

"Well look who's home."
"the middle eastern princess."
A voice said getting our attention.

I looked up seeing a Latino looking guy walking towards us, he literally looked like he just got out a mafia movie with his black suit and gold chains.
He had a very strong presence about him.
You could here it in his voice and by his movements.

I watched as Emily nervously walked towards him,
It's almost like she was studying his face not knowing if to greet him or not.
Then it hit me,  that's Lino Bella's brother.
I remember Bella telling me that Emily shared a different mother to her and her brother.
And Emily mother Rosita, the wicked witch off the East,
for-bided her from speaking to Bella's brother.
I remember the time he called Bella's phone pissed asking why Emily wasn't answering his calls.

I guess he noticed Emily nervousness walking towards her wrapping his arms around her, embracing her with a warm hug.
I watched as she let out a deep breath off relief.

"Lino this is Neymar,"
"Francesca boyfriend."
Emily said introducing me.

"Well that's a no shocker,"
"Francesca always goes for money men."
He said shaking my hand.

"Wasn't my sister your doctor during the World Cup?"
He asked.

"Yes she was."
I said a bit nervous because he was making me very uneasy he had an intimidating personality.
I literally felt like I was meeting my girlfriend family for the first time.

"Well she'll be home anytime soon,"
"so i recommend you two go get changed for dinner."
He said before walking away.

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