Chapter 39 - lesson

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Francesca POV

I stepped outside the room to give Neymar and his parents a little space when my eyes came upon Bella who was at the front desk.

I said getting her attention.

"Hey what are you doing here?"
She asked giving me a hug.

"Did you forget?"
"Remember I told you my boyfriend is having surgery."
I said smiling.

"Oh yes I totally forgot, I had been busy theses past two days. How is he?"
She asked concern.

"His surgery was yesterday, he's in recovery."
"Would you like to meet him?"
I said smiling because I know she is going to be shocked when she finds out my boyfriend is Neymar,
Bella is a huge football fan.

"I would love to but I can't I have a flight to catch."
"I'm going to spend some time with Lino in Spain."
"We'll catch up when you get back home."
She said with an apologetic look on her face.

"Actually I'm not staying in Spain anymore I moved to Paris a week ago,"
"I'm staying with my boyfriend."
"Well just until he feels better."

"What surgery did your boyfriend had again?"
She asked frowning her eyebrows.

"Actually we'll talk later I really need to get going."
She said looking at the door, I turned seeing two cops entering the hospital.
I watched as she walked towards them.
It's strange seeing Bella talking with the police Bella isn't a fan off them because off her family background.
I decided to go back to Neymar's room.

Bella POV

I recognize the two cops entering the hospital immediately, they where the same two cops that question me about Alex disappearance earlier today.

"Hi officer any updates on my fiancé."
I said trying my best to look concerned.

"Sorry miss Fleur but we have no leads at this time."
"But may I asked why are you here?"
One off the cop asked.

"I came by to check on Ben and pay his hospital bill after all he did risk his life trying to protect Alex and I last night."
I said taking a deep breath.

"Well that's very nice off you, now if you excuse us we need to question Ben about last night."
The other cop said as they left.

I left the hospital getting in my car driving off,
I have 45min to get to the airport but I need to make a stop first,
I parked my car to the back off an old abandoned warehouse walking inside.

"Honey I'm home,"
I sang turning on the lights,
he was sitting there tied to the chair the same way I left him.
He instantly started shouting well more like grumbling because he had ductape stuck to his mouth.
I took a chair pacing it in front off him taking a seat.
I leaned closer to him removing the tape from his mouth.

"You fucking bitch when I get out off here I'm going to kill you."
He spat at me.

"I'll be long gone when you get out of here,"
"we'll if you get out off here."
"Your future is all up to Ben."
"He will decide what to do with you,
I gave him a paper with your location."
"Hopefully he will get discharged from the hospital before you starve to death."
I said looking at him smiling.

"Please Bella this is not you, you wouldn't do this to me,"
"I love you, you would do this to someone you love."
He said pleading.

"I don't love you Alex,"
"You are a monster."

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