Chapter 26 - match day

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I was woken up by the sunlight hitting my face,
I have moved back to my house since that day.
I couldn't bare to stay in that hotel anymore,
It just kept reminding me off him,
thinking off him today is the match against Croatia, 
and I have to watch the game in the vip area with Alex family and mines.
I hate what my life have become.
I checked my phone seeing messages from Emily asking where I was the game is about to start.
I hurried getting into the shower changing my clothes jumping into my car heading to the stadium.

I arrived at the stadium making my way up to the vip area, the match was already 40mis in and it was almost half time.
And by the look of the Brazilian fans faces I knew the match was very intense.
I groan seeing the only empty seat was next to Alex.
Emily noticed my expression getting up off her seat which was next to Jon and Rosita sitting next to Alex.
Of course she will want to sit next to him after all they are secretary sleeping together.
I sat down ignoring Rosita, I haven't spoken to her since the fight we had in the hotel corridor.

"Hello Bella how are you?"
"I have to admit I was shock when Alex told us you will be joining us."
Jon my stepfather said smiling.

"Yea I'm shocked myself."
I sarcastically said grabbing a glass in champagne taking a gulp.

"Can I ask you something Bella?"
"What made you change your mind deciding you wanting to get back with Alex?"
"I thought you was completely done with him the last time we spoke,"
"I thought he was terrible to you?"
Jon asked looking at me confused.

"Love was the reason I got back with Alex."
I said finishing my glass off champagne.
Off course I was referring to Neymar.
Suddenly I was taken back by my thought,
Did I just admitted to myself that I love Neymar?
Well I guess yes I do have feelings him and I fucked everything up.
I was interrupted by Alex walking over.
Can you switch seats with me so I can sit next to my beautiful fiancé,
He said looking to Rosita,
and of course she'd agree because that is what she wanted from the day we came to Qatar.
She wanted me to be with Alex because he was rich and handsome.
I watched as Alex greeted Jon taking a seat next to me.

"Alex, I understand my stepdaughter gave you a second chance,"
"I hope you treat her better this time around."
Jon said looking at him.

Of course,
Bella is my world, I will never hurt her.
Alex said leaning towards me.

"By the way Alex what happened to your nose."
Jon asked looking at Alex bruised nose.

"Yes Alex, what did happen to your nose?"
I said looking at him smirking.

He was about to answer Jon's questions when the second half off the game started turning our attention to the field.
I watched anxiously as the guys made their way into the field.
heart instantly sank as my eyes came upon Neymar as he made his was back onto the field.
He looked so stressed and nervous.

The whistle blew and I was on the edge of my seat, the second half off the game was so intense,
the guys was giving it there all.
They made so much attempts on the goal but that Croatia goalkeeper wasn't giving up.
My heart was literally pounding out off my chest,
When suddenly Neymar scored a goal causing the crowd to go crazy including me,
I jumped off my seat cheering.

"Did you see that goal?"
I said to Jon smiling as I sat back down.

"Actually I didn't."
Alex said looking bitter.

"Of course you didn't see it,
just like you didn't see the right hook the other day."
I said to Alex referring to when Neymar knocked him down.
But of course my happiness soon turned into a frown as Croatia scored a goal turning the score 1-1.
The rest off the match was intense as Brazil tried to score another goal failing to do so,
leading the match to penalty.
I placed my head on my knees not bearing to look at the penalty shoot out.

"Aren't you going to watch Bella?"
"Your boys are about to go home."
Alex said making me look at he field,
My eyes came upon Marquinhos whom was standing in front off the goal
If he didn't make this shot Brazil will surely go home.
I watched as he nervously kicked the ball,
it on the side off the goal post bouncing off.
My heart sank as I watched my boys fall to the ground in defeat.
My eyes came upon Neymar as he sat on the ground crying.
I instantly got up walking out off the vip area
I couldn't bare to look at Neymar in that state.
This is unfair,
Neymar don't deserve this,
He worked extremely hard to get back on the field after his injury.
His biggest fear was letting his fans down,
and now his worst fear has happened,
Brazil is out off the world Cup.
And also this is Neymar's last Word Cup.

"Where are you going Bella?"Alex asked walking behind me

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"Where are you going Bella?"
Alex asked walking behind me.

"I'm going down to the staff area, my medical staff has a contract to treat the players did you forget,"
I said looking at him.

"Your staff can take care off the players on their own they don't need your help,"
"you are just making excuses to see Neymar."
He said holding my hand pulling me back towards the vip area.

"Let go off me Alex."
I whispered to him not wanting to pull away my hand and make a scene because their was people around.
Important people.
I gave up and following him back to the vip area,
soon as we took a seat I heard someone called my name,
I looked back seeing Kyle walking towards us.

"Hey Bella sorry for interrupting but coach wants you to come down to the locker room in an hour."
"he wants to speak with everyone including the medical staff."

"Bella is not working today,"
Alex said looking at Kyle.

"It's not work it's just a meeting,"
Kyle said looking at Alex raising an eyebrow before leaving.

"Why are you speaking to my coworker like that?"
"I have literally done everything you have asked,"
"I have ended things with Neymar and yet you are still making my life a living hell."
I said looking at Alex pissed.

"Keep your voice down Bella, my parents are sitting right there."
He said squeezing my hand but instantly let go when he saw Jon looking over at us.

"Fine you can go,"
"but no talking to any off the players,"
Alex said calling his two bodyguards over.

"Follow her make sure she speaks to no one,"
"when the meeting is done bring her back to me."
"And if she tries to run shoot her in her foot,"
He said whispering the the guy as I looked at him in disbelief.

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