Chapter 35 - old friend

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Neymar POV

Are you comfortable?
Joseph my doctor asked as we entered the private plane helping me onto my seat,
I'm heading back to Doha for a few days,
I'm having my surgery done there.
Bella did warn me if I injured my ankle once more I'm going to need surgery.
I wonder if I'll run into her for the time I'm there,
my representative contacted her hospital to perform the surgery but they never responded back.
So we got another hospital to perform the surgery which is not far from hers.
I messaged my girlfriend Francesca telling her I'll be landing in a few hours, she is already in Doha,
she took a flight early because she had a photo shoot to get done.
She messaged back saying she is having lunch with an old friend today and she will met up with me later at the hotel.
I put my phone down taking a deep breath,
Francesca is such a nice girl she cares for me a lot,
I just wish I could do the same for her,
but I can't it's like my heart won't let me.

Bella POV

Oh shit I'm late I shouted looking at the time on my phone, I totally forgot I had lunch with Francesca today.
I ran into my office washroom taking a quick shower getting changed.
I quickly grabbed my phone and purse leaving the hospital.

I parked my car outside the restaurant fixing my hair and putting on a little lipstick

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I parked my car outside the restaurant fixing my hair and putting on a little lipstick.
I got out off the car seeing that familiar black suv pulling up.
Its Alex men who he has follow me everywhere I go.
I watched as Ben came out walking towards me,
I was a bit relieved it was just him but I was still pissed.

"I'm just having lunch with my friend,"
"do you really need to follow me everywhere I go?"
I said looking at him frustrated.

"I'm sorry Bella but It's the boss order."
Ben said shrugging his shoulder.

"You won't notice I'm there I'll stand in the corner."
He said following me as I let out a groan off frustration walking into the restaurant.

Francesca shouted getting up off her seat hugging me.

"Im sorry I'm late I got caught up in work."
I said taking a seat.

"Your a doctor right?."
She asked looking at me smiling.

"Yes I am."
I said proudly returning the smile.

"Im so happy that you achieved your dreams by becoming a doctor Bella,"
"And I'm so relieved that you escaped that life."
She said referring to my family business.
Francesca and I go way back she knows everything about me.
We literally grew up together attending the same school.

"So what brought you here to Doha?"
I asked changing the subject.

"Im here for work and well also my boyfriend,"
"he is actually having surgery tomorrow."
She said frowning a bit.

"What type off surgery?"
I asked.

She was about to tell me when suddenly we were interrupted by Ben walking towards us whispering into my ear.

"um Alex called he wanted to know where you were,"
"I told him you were having lunch with a friend and he said he is coming over."
Ben whispered into my ear pulling away looking at me nervously.

"Is everything ok."
Francesca asked confused looking at Ben.

"Yes everything is fine."
I said looking at her smiling.

"This is Ben he's my um..."

"I work for Bella's boyfriend,"
"I'm her private security."
Ben said looking at Francesca.

"It looks like you're boyfriend is an very important guy."
Francesca said referring to me having the need to have a bodyguard.

"You could say so,"
"And speaking off the devil here he comes,"
I said looking at Alex as he walked into the restaurant.
A smirk came to his face as his gaze came upon me.

"Good Afternoon ladies."
He said placing a kiss on my cheek taking a seat.
My gaze went to Francesca who was looking at Alex smiling waiting for me the introduce them.

"Alex this is my old friend from Spain Francesca Roland."
I said looking at Francesca smiling.

"Hi I'm Alex,  Bella's fiancé."
Alex said taking me off guard.
What the fuck did that come from?
We are not engaged I thought to myself.

"Your engaged?"
Francesca said jumping up and down on her seat clapping in excitement.

"where is the ring?"
She asked grabbing my hand looking at my ring finger which was bare.

"Bella doesn't wear her ring when she's working."
"After all it's worth a ton."
Alex said holding my hand kissing it making my blood boil in anger.
I can't believe he would make up something like that.

"Well I better leave you ladies to catch up,"
"I have an important meeting to get to."
"It was nice to meet you Francesca."
Alex said getting up.

"I'll see you at home my beautiful Bella."
He said kissing my forehead walking away.

"I can't believe you are engaged."
Francesca said smiling.

"Yeah me too."
I said taking a sip off my drink.

"So tell me about your boyfriend."
"How was he injured."
I asked her changing the subject again.

"He's actually an athlete, he got injured on the field."
She said rolling her eyes shaking her head.

"What's his name?"
I asked a bit intrigued.

"You won't believe it Bella,"
"but I'm actually dating....."
Francesca was cut off by my phone ringing.

"I'm sorry but I have to take this call its the hospital."
I said quickly answering the phone.
It was my sectary she said that I needed to get to the hospital right away,
she said the staff need my help to perform an emergency surgery on a police officer who got shot.

"I'm so sorry Francesca,"
"but I'll have to cut our lunch date short,"
"I need to get to the hospital right away, it's an emergency,"
I said getting up grabbing my purse.

"No problem go ahead, we'll catch up,"
"I'm actually staying a few days in Doha."
She said giving me a quick hug before I left.

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