Chapter 28 - thats not like her

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Bella POV

I walked out off the washroom coming face to face with Alex bodyguards, I let out a sigh off frustration I totally forgot about them.
I looked at them smiling shaking my head just thinking about how easy I can disarm them and escape.
But of course I wouldn't do that it would cause a scene.

"Boss is waiting for you in the car park,"
One off the guy's said gesturing me to follow him.

I let out a sigh walking towards the car park which was actually almost empty.
their we're only mines and Alex's car their.
And speaking of the devil,
I saw him leaning on his car waiting for me.
I ignored him digging in my purse taking out my keys walking towards my car.
When suddenly I felt two arms grabbing me from behind picking me up.
I was his bodyguard again.

"What the fuck, let go off me."
I shouted elbowing him in his gut making him let go off me crouching to the ground in pain.
I was about to run when I herd the clicking off a gun,
I turned seeing Alex other bodyguard pointing a gun to my head.

He shouted pushing me towards Alex who was looking at me smiling.

"I guess Rosita was right,"
"you are a feisty little thing."
Alex said laughing.

"Get in the car."
He said opening the door for me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you,"
I said folding me arms looking at him refusing to get in his car.

"Get in the car or else."
He said taking the gun from his bodyguards hand pointing it to me.

"Shoot me I don't care anymore,"
"I rather be dead than go anywhere with you."
I said looking at him.

"If you don't get in this car I will have not choice but to tell Neymar your secret."
He taking a step closer towards me.

"I don't care if you tell Neymar my secret,
"actually I'm planning on telling him myself."
"You have nothing to hold against me anymore."
I said turning to walk away when suddenly everything went black.

Neymar POV

I woke up with a headache, I didn't feel like getting off the bed today.
I still can't believe we are out off the World Cup so early.
I picked up my phone checking Bella's instagram,
I have to admit I have been kind off stalking her on instagram to see what she was up to these past few days.
I couldn't stop thinking about her after we spoke yesterday,
She looked so exhausted and nervous,
I could literally feel her hands trembling as she examined my ankle.
I know in my heart Bella didn't want to end things with me.
I just wish she would tell me what Alex has against her,
After seeing her leaving with Alex bodyguards I couldn't help but feel uneasy.
I know she's in danger, I know that Alex may hurt again her like the time he left that bruised on her wrist.
She never admitted it but I knew it was him.
I dialed her number calling her phone but to my surprise her phone was off.
And one thing I know about Bella is that her phone is never off because off her job.
I decided to call Kyle her co worker to make sure she is okay.
he answered after a few rings.

"Hey Neymar what's up?"

"Hey Kyle sorry for bothering you but is Bella with you?"
"I called her phone and it's off."

"Actually I have the day off today,"
"Probably her phone died or she forgot it home,"
"She is working a double shift in the hospital today."
"Is something wrong?"
He asked.

"No everything is fine,"
"I just wanted to say goodbye to her before I left."
I said.

"You want me to come pick you up and take you to visit her?"
"I'm actually not far from the hotel."
He offered.

"No it's okay."
I said not wanting to bother him on his day off,
but he insisted on taking me.
I got changed and headed down to the lobby to wait for Kyle to arrive which wasn't that long.
I got into his car thanking him again for giving me the ride.
He mentioned to me how controlling Alex was towards Bella yesterday after the game not wanting her to attend the meeting.

"That's strange."
Kyle said while pulling up in the hospital.

"What's strange?"
I asked looking at him confused.

"Bella's car is not here."
He said  pointing to an empty parking lot which is reserved for her.

"Maybe she got a ride."
He said parking his car.
we got out walking into the hospital towards the receptionist.

"Hey Sophie is Bella busy? Neymar wants to see her."
Kyle said leaning against the desk.

"Um actually doctor Bella didn't turn up to work today."
"And the staff is very worried because it's a busy day and she is not answering her calls or emails."
Sophie said looking at us shaking her head.

"That's strange Bella will never do something like this,"
"her job is important to her."
Kyle said making me very worried.

"Can you take me to her house?"
"I want to make sure she is okay."
I asked Kyle who off course didn't refuse.
During the car ride to her house I kept calling her phone hoping she probably turn it back on,
But I had no luck.

During the car ride to her house I kept calling her phone hoping she probably turn it back on,But I had no luck

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Kyle POV

We arrived at Bella's house, I instantly realized that one off her vehicle was missing.

"Probably she is not home."
I said looking at Neymar whom still decided to go knock on her door.
After 10 minutes off Neymar endless knocking and shouting her name he gave up taking a seat on the front steps.
He took his phone dialing her number again which still went to voicemail.

"Something is not right I can feel it."
He said taking a deep breath looking at me.

"Yea I'm also concerned,"
"This is not something Bella would do."
I said taking a seat next to him as a car approached the house getting our attention.
Neymar eyes lit up in hope that it was Bella.

"What are you two doing here?"
Emily asked getting out off the car.

"Where's Bella?"
Neymar asked looking at her bluntly.

"I am actually here because she's not answering her phone and I'm worried."
Emily said walking towards the door knocking on it.

"Isn't it obvious that we have already done that?"
Neymar said looking at her in disbelief.

"Why are you pissed at me?"
"Aren't you the last person to see her yesterday?"
"She said she was going to visit you after we left the stadium."
Emily said walking towards Neymar.

"Bella didn't visit me last night."
He said getting up looking even more worried than before.

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