Chapter 6 - please

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Bella POV

"Oh god"
I whine as the sound of my alarm rang trough my ears.
It's time again to head to work, sometimes I wish I could just take a day off, but off course I can't,
I have a business to run and sick people to take care off.
I got off bed tripping over my shoe falling to the floor.
I guess I'm still feeling the little effects from those few drinks I had with Emily last night at the hotel bar.
I got into the shower turning it on letting the warm water run down my body.
When I realized there was a bruise on my arm right above my wrist,
Suddenly my memory flash back to last night
After Emily and I had drinks, she left and I went back to my room,
as I stepped into my room closing the door behind me, I noticed a dark figure in the corner off the room,
Upon switching on the lights I instantly realize it was Alex.
He was sitting on the sofa in the corner of the room with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"What are you doing in my room uninvited Alex?"
I asked looking angrily at him.

"This is my hotel Bella, I can do whatever I what."
He said getting up walking towards me.
I instantly realized he was drunk.

"Alex please I have had a really tiring day,"
"I need to go to bed, can you leave please?"
I asked mellowing my tone because he was drunk,
And when he's drunk he's a total different person,
A scary person to be more specific.
I reached for the door nob to open it when he grabbed my hand tightly stoping me, pushing me against the door.

"Alex please let go off my hand your hurting me,"
I said looking at him.

"Let me stay the night with you?"
He whispered leaning towards me.

"No Alex, you can't stay,"
"and if this is your way of trying to get me back it is not working,"
"You are scaring me, please let go.
I said looking down at my arm he was holding onto,
He instantly realized how hard he was holding onto me and instantly let go.
His expression on his face softened as he looked at my bruised arm.

"I'm sorry."
He stuttered stepping back.

"Just leave Alex."
I said as he nodded opening the door walking away.
I quickly locked the door, cursing myself in frustration.
Why do I let him take advantage of me like that,
I'm the freaking daughter off the biggest mafia boss in Spain.

End of last night flashback.

A was instantly taken out off my thoughts by my phone ringing.
It was Sophie my receptionist, she always calls me in the morning to give me an update on the day I have ahead.
After talking to Sophie, I got changed putting on a long sleeve top to cover my bruised.
I stepped out my apartment locking my door behind me when I saw Joshua my coworker waiting outside Neymar's room.

"Morning Bella,"

"Morning Joshua is everything okay?"
"Why aren't you with Neymar?"
"He needs your assistants because he is not allowed "to walk or put pressure on his feet today."
I said walking towards him.

"Chill doctor Bella, the guy is just waiting outside the room for me to get changed,"
Neymar said from the other side off the door.

"You can come in now Josh"
Neymar said as Joshua opened the door revealing Neymar who was sitting on the bed looking freshly showered.

"Morning Bella."
Neymar said waving to me as I stood outside his door.

"Morning Neymar, how's the foot feeling today?"
I asked leaning against the door frame.

"It's not hurting that much"
He said while looking at his swollen ankle.

"It's not hurting because you're on strong pain medication."
I said laughing.

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