┏°⌜ 070: Escape

Start from the beginning


*knock knock*

Someone knocked on the front door.

"Hm? Who could that b-"
Artur looked at you with worried eyes. Normally, since they live here in the middle of the forest, they very rarely get unexpected visitors.

Your heart started beating fast as you had a very bad feeling.
Artur seemed to be thinking the same thing.

His brows furrowed as he was thinking what to do now, his senses on high alert. You both stood there in silence for a moment, listening to the rustling of leaves outside and the distant sounds of animals in the forest. The air was thick with tension, and a sense of foreboding hung heavily in the atmosphere.
The others at the table were also quiet and tense

Finally, Artur spoke. "Alright Kids..." he said firmly, his voice low
"I want you all to lock yourselves in your room and not come out until I tell you. Mia and Ben, please take miss y/n with you and be quiet."

You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. Without another word,
everyone in the room was getting nervous and scared but did what Artur asked them to do and quietly went to their rooms. Falco and Gabi walked with you up the stairs to their room, but still kept the doors open a little to hear what was happening downstairs.

"Are these the people who tried to kidnapped you?"
Falco whispered, looking at you nervously

"I-i don't know..."

You could hear Artur opening the door downstairs
"Hello. How can I help you?"
Sasha's dad asked innocently

This Voice... it's not Yelena.
It's Zeke.
"I'm sorry to bother you at this time, but I'm looking for... my sister. I lost her in this forest, did you happen to see a young woman here?"

"This voice..."
Gabi whispered, looking at Falco with wide eyes
"No way..."

"Sorry Sir, but no."
Artur answered

"Hm... is that so. Would you mind if I would look around here? Maybe she is hid-"

"No sir. I would like you to leave my property now."
Artur sounded serious

Zeke laughed quietly for a second
"Hmh. Yelena."

"Don't move or I'll shoot."
Yelena commanded

You whispered, fear was reflected in your voice

Footsteps could be heard, Zeke is looking around.

"Is that actually Zeke? Zeke Jaeger?"
Falco whispered, looking at you terrified

You answered quietly

Gabi and Falco looked at each other, then back to you with confused and terrified expressions

Gabi came a little closer to you
"What the fuck does Zeke want fro-"

"Okay listen."
You gave them an serious look, but fear was still seen in your eyes
"Gabi and Falco, I don't have much time. I don't know exactly what Zeke wants from me, but I have a feeling he's planning something bad. We-"

"Wait wait wait hold on... you know our names?"
Gabi whispered in shock

"Y-yes. I know everything about you two. It's hard to explain... but I have to go back to Shiganshina at all costs."

Falco was extremely confused
"What the-"

Gabi interrupted him, looking pissed at you
"You are with Eren Jaeger, why the fuck should we-"

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