As you darted through the trees, your heart pounding in your chest, you could hear the sound of your own rapid footsteps echoing in your ears. You had to keep moving, keep your wits about you.

Every step you took felt critical, like it could be your last if you weren't careful.
You were still zigzagging, trying to throw Yelena's aim off. But you knew that you were running out of time.

After a few minutes you had no strength left, but you can't stop now.
Also, the bleeding on your arm didn't stop and your white shirt turned your sleeve completely red.

"Sh- hah- shit...."
You cursed quietly to yourself

After running for another 6 or 7 minutes you saw a bush and hid in it. It was anything but comfortable, but nobody should find you here.
You haven't seen or heard from Yelena in general for a long time,
did you get rid of her?
Well, you shouldn't feel safe too soon.

You sat in the bush for what felt like hours, listening for any sounds of movement or gunfire. But the forest was eerily quiet, and you started to wonder if Yelena had given up on chasing you.

But you also needed a break.
The feeling of stitches was extreme and you couldn't breathe well. Your breathing was heavy and a little wheezy.

Just as you were about to take a deep breath and relax, you heard a branch snap nearby. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized that someone
- probably Yelena- was getting closer.
You tried to stay as quiet as possible, huddling further into the bush and hoping that Yelena wouldn't spot you.

"I know, I already apologized."
You could hear an unfamiliar voice from afar. Hm, it's not Yelena.

"Yeah, you should be a little more grateful. They are helping us after all."
The voices got louder and now you could hear footsteps

"Yeah I GET IT. Jeez."

You held your hand on your mouth- tried to dam your loud breathing noises and breathe more slowly. However, the side stitches hurt even more now.
You tried to look out, but as soon as you would move, the bush would rustle and they would hear you.

You stayed still, trying not to make a sound, hoping they would leave soon. But they didn't - they seemed to be searching for something.
You started to panic. What if they found you? What would they do? You tried to calm yourself down, but the fear was overwhelming.

"Ugh mushrooms. I hate them." One of them said, kinda in a pissed tone

"Me neither, but collecting mushrooms is fun"

"Yeah. Fun. Ha. ha."

It sounded like they were right next to you.

"Hey, it is!"

"No, absolutely not."

You can't breathe anymore. The pain just got worse.
You couldn't take it anymore. You had to put your hand away from your mouth and take a deep breath.

"H-hey... did you hear that?"

"Y-yes. It sounded like it came out of the bush."

They came closer.
You didn't have a choice.
Before they shoot in the bush, if they have a gun, because they think you're a wild animal... then you should come out yourself.

You tried to speak, but your voice was barely a whisper.
"P-please don't hurt me..."

They screamed at the same time
"W-who's there? Are you stalking us?"

"Come out already!"
One of them barked

You slowly stood up, trying to make yourself visible without making any sudden movements.
Both looked at you in shock. Probably because of your injury and because you were dirty, having leaves and branches in your hair and dirt on your face.

Dream ꕥ Eren J.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя