Chapter 13: Ability

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Fang Cheng thought it was too weird, he should have awakened his supernatural ability, but there was no reaction.

Hearing the sound from outside seemed to be that his companions had come back, he was about to go out, but when he got up, he felt warm in his stomach, and he became very comfortable.

This... is strange.

When Fang Cheng came out, he saw Liu Man and Xiang Yizhou. They were unloading, and they were driving out in a truck. Bought some food.

Liu Man opened a restaurant in City C, so he has more channels than others. Fang Cheng took a look, there were forty bags of rice, twenty bags of noodles, and five barrels of soybean oil. There are also several boxes of expired instant noodles. They are also niche flavors that are usually not easy to sell, but he also pulls them back for emergencies.

Fang Cheng helped him unload the goods, transported most of them back to the kitchen, and stacked them up neatly. Fortunately, their kitchen has a lot of cabinets, so these grains can also be put down. It was already four o'clock in the morning when they came back, but they were not tired at all. Liu Man scolded: "These third grandsons are really nothing, they just know how to drive up prices." The goods that originally cost less than 10,000 yuan were 50,000 yuan Said to take care of his business. Damn it, Liu Man almost scolded someone, and when it was over, he hurried to find another partner, and he didn't want to deal with this kind of person anymore. Xiang Yizhou's complexion was also terrible, and he said to Fang Cheng: "Time is running out, I went to the store and only found five charging treasures." He bought them all, and Fang Cheng took them back and charged them quickly. Fang Cheng said: "It's hard work, you guys go back and have a good rest." As soon as the words fell, Xiang Yizhou suddenly said: "It's chaotic outside." Somewhat uncomfortable. Liu Man was still chattering just now, but when he heard Xiang Yizhou's words, he stopped talking.

Xiang Yizhou said: "When we were driving back, we saw an adult biting a passer-by." He had never encountered such a bloody thing in his life. The people around him were unknown, so they hit him on the head from behind. He wanted to make him lose his mobility, but his head instantly shattered like a watermelon. Flesh and bones splashed all around, and everyone around them turned into zombies.

The screams come and go, and the screams of the living can excite the zombies, and they continue to look for the next prey.

Xiang Yizhou got goosebumps all over his body. One second, everyone was human, but in the next second, they turned into zombies, without any humanity.

They have lived a comfortable life for too long. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that such a cruel thing would happen before their eyes.

The two of them immediately drove almost in a rush, and ran all the way, and they didn't slow down the helpless energy when they reached the mountain.

They couldn't believe that how to live a good life changed all of a sudden.

Liu Man didn't speak, but he was also greatly stimulated.

Looking at the sky outside, Fang Cheng said to them, "How about we have a drink?" Sure enough, as he expected, the end of the world has come early, and the days to come will be even more difficult. His last life was in the end of the world. I have survived for more than a year, and I don't know what will happen in this life.

Xiang Yizhou nodded, he couldn't even say a word, Fang Cheng opened a bottle of three bottles of beer. But when I smell alcohol, my throat feels uncomfortable. There is a feeling of soreness in the stomach that has been going back up, pan nausea.

Xiang Yizhou briefly pulled away from his emotions, and said, "What's wrong?"

Fang Cheng waved his hand, and said, "It's okay, maybe it's because I haven't eaten and feel uncomfortable."

In the dormitory before, Fang Cheng Just can't drink. Xiang Yizhou said: "Then don't drink it, drinking on an empty stomach is even more uncomfortable." He took Fangcheng's wine to his side.

He drank with Liu Man, although it was difficult to accept the changes outside, but now he was very glad that Fang Cheng brought them out. If you are really trapped in a residential building, looking at the disgusting things on the street outside the window every day but can't get out, it will drive people crazy.

At least here they can be with their friends. When something happens, everyone can discuss it, not alone.

The water and electricity have not stopped yet, but the signal has completely disappeared. This is too unbearable for people who rely too much on electronic products.

Fang Cheng glanced outside worriedly, Xiao Qingshu and Fang Quan never came back. Can't get in touch with them now.

Fang Cheng accompanied the two of them, while Xiang Yizhou and Liu Man were drinking in silence. I wonder if there will be any days of drinking together like this in the future.

Although the 11-degree beer he drank was not intoxicating, Xiang Yizhou's face was flushed and his eyes were blurred. Liu Man was very surprised. Xiang Yizhou was able to step on the box to drink when he was in college, and later went into business.

Fang Cheng said: "I guess I'm sleepy." The two had no choice but to work together to bring a tall man of 1.85 meters back to the bedroom on the third floor.

Liu Man was so fat that he was speechless, and said: "He doesn't exert any strength, he is dead."

Finally brought him back to the room.

Liu Man was sweating a little and had to go back to the house. Beer is really a good thing, although I was shocked and frightened before, and my heart hurts after staying up all night. After getting together with my brothers, I drank a bottle of beer and felt much more comfortable and sleepy, so I went back to sleep.

As soon as Liu Man returned to the house, there was some movement in his room. They are all family units and live in suites. Probably Liu's mother hadn't slept since she saw that her son hadn't come back, and she finally said a few words in anticipation of his return.

After Fang Cheng sent the man back, he kept looking at the palm of his hand, but there was no change in it.

Fang Cheng slapped the air in front of him vigorously, without any fluctuation.

In the last days, a small number of people will evolve supernatural powers. Only supernatural powers can fight against zombies. How could there be no reaction at all.

When he raised his hand, he accidentally cut his hand with a knife placed on the table, and blood kept oozing out. Fang Cheng didn't even feel the pain. This knife was a multifunctional saber he bought. It was extremely sharp. He immediately covered the bleeding with his other hand, and quickly took out the small medicine box to wipe some iodophor. When he found the small medicine box, Let go of his hand, only to find that the wound he just had was long gone. If it weren't for the blood splattered on the cuff, he would have thought that the injury just now was his hallucination.

Fang Cheng looked at his hand, could it be that his hand has a healing function.

Fang Cheng's heart was pounding, he picked up the knife and ruthlessly cut an inch-long slit on it. The sharp pain suddenly made him sweat.

He then covered the wound with his hand. He observed carefully this time, and found a little white light emerging from the palm of his hand. Then the pain disappeared in an instant, and the rolled up flesh healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just unbelievable.

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