Chapter 44: Professor Chen

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It was not easy for these technicians who came here to defect to the area under their jurisdiction in Fang Cheng.

They were originally senior scholars, but now they are dressed in tatters.

    When they arrive, they need to register first.

When the person in charge of the team learned that they were the technicians from the Agricultural College that Xiao Qingshu had specially ordered, they took them to their house.

Scholars come in batches, and three groups have been received today. All with their families, Professor Chen and his party were assigned to a room. It seems that they have not had a good time.

    The person in charge of the team said to the old man in charge, "Professor Chen, you can rest here for a while. Later, the kitchen will cook some food and send it over."

Professor Chen nodded. He brought his son, daughter-in-law, and a five-year-old grandson. In addition, there are two other students, both of whom are doctoral students under him. They work on projects together, eat and live together. His son is not bad. When the end of the world comes, they all gathered.

The management team saw that there were a lot of them, so they were allocated a large suite with a family room. There are three beds inside and another bed outside.

What makes them even more happy is that the hotel has all the water and electricity.

Several people quickly charged their laptops and mobile phones. Since there is a local area network forum now, contacting the outside world has become very convenient.

Professor Chen's daughter-in-law was overjoyed to see the hot water, so she hurriedly carried her son in and took a hot bath.

After the end of the world, water resources have become very scarce. The only little water is enough to drink, and there is no extra time to take a bath. In the past, if there were no such conditions, everyone would tolerate it. Finally they have a place to go to shower.

After the daughter-in-law and grandson took a shower, they felt comfortable in their clothes. Others were also a little emvy, and went to take a bath one after another. There is no time to wait for the water heater to boil the water again, so they can wash with cold or warm water! They haven't showered for too long, and the mud strips from rubbing almost blocked the floor drain. They opened the floor drain, and the water drained smoothly.

    Everyone took a shower.

 It is not appropriate to put on dirty clothes that have not been washed for more than a year after taking a shower and feeling clean. How else can they say that women are careful. The daughter-in-law said "There are clean sportswear in the closet!"

No more, no less, exactly five sets. Professor Chen is a cautious person, and he even asked the management staff to inquire about it, knowing that it was specially prepared for them.But with no children's clothes. The daughter-in-law folded the thick bath towel into a small bathrobe for the child to put on.

All the clothes were thrown into the washing machine in the hotel. She poured a little laundry detergent, and through the tumbling window, she could see the black water coming out of the clothes.

It is so comfortable to be able to take a shower, have electric lights, and even do laundry.

    Even Professor Chen's son said to his father, "It's the right decision this time.!" He never thought that just taking a bath could bring him such a sense of happiness.

Everyone took a shower, cleaned the bathroom, and found their own beds to rest. They didn't have a car, so they walked here. Already very sleepy after taking a shower. Lying on the bed, the moment his head touched the pillow, he fell asleep.

Professor Chen slept for two hours at a time, and the rest time was not long, but a good night's sleep was extremely refreshing. When he got up, he felt that all the strength in his body had returned.

It was the first good night's sleep they had since the end of the world.

Soon it will be like pinching the time outside. He knocked on the door, and then the manager brought over the food on the trolley. Stir-fried cabbage slices, minced meat and beans, eggplant in sauce, and an egg custard. Beef and tomato soup. The staple food is multigrain steamed buns. These are made in a small stove in the kitchen. Knowing that these people are the distinguished guests of Fang Cheng, they specially brought good ones to entertain them.

 Professor Chen swallowed his saliva sharply. Although it was a seemingly simple meal, the aroma wafted from his nostrils.

    The person in charge said: "This meal is a welcome meal, and the base normally has two meals. Special introduced talents like you can add an extra meal. The standard of the meal is two dishes and one soup, but the steamed buns are full."

Professor Chen hummed . The manager put down the food and left. As soon as he's gone, everyone hurriedly gathered around the cabinet to find a stool to eat.

    After taking one bite, the elders were about to cry. It smells so good...

    It's better to be alive.

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