Chapter Thirty One

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Emma had dragged me, Peter, Jasmine back to my house. She did not want to get more attention on us as she has already. Luckily my house was empty so my Mom won't have to hear what is going on. As I open the door Emma march in still looking red in the face while Peter and Jasmine walked in calm as possible. I sigh shutting the door and ready to face what Emma is going to throw my way.

"What the fuck Danielle!" Emma screamed at me.

"Emma, before everything gets out of hand lets stay calm" I told her calmly.

"No, you don't get tell me to calm down!" Emma said still raising her voice.

"Just listen to her Em" Jasmine said trying to keep the peace.

"Stay out of these Jasmine" Emma told her then turn back to me.

"I can not believe you! My friend. MY Best friend since third grade kiss the boy I like!" Emma scream while laughing.

If only I could speak for a least a moment without Emma going crazy.

"Why! Why him!?" Emma asked with tears in her eyes. 

"Because I love him, Emma. I have feel for him" I said with tears in my eyes as well.

"No you don't! You don't know what it is like!" Emma scream.

I started to get red in my face, with Emma's word I start to get angry.

"Yes I do!" I argued back.

"No you don't! I told you I loved him and you when of to kiss him! Did you fuck him as well!" Emma asked getting in my face.

"Yes I fucked him! I fucked him because I wanted him! Because I love him Emma!" I scream hearing her freeze on her spot while looking at me.

"At first I hated him. I wanted him to disappear from me. But then he grew on he showed me how I feel, he made me love not just him but myself. And I know I am selfish and all but he makes me happy. And I am not using him to fuck me like you do with your other assholes called hook ups!" I said with face stain in tears with a real piss face on.

I finally got what I had of my chest and show Emma how I feel.

"How long?" Emma asked in a whisper.

"Since the movies" I told her with hot tears pour down my face.

"Did you know?" Emma asked turning to Jasmine who has been quiet most of the time.

"Yes I knew, Dani told me because she was scared to tell you" Jasmine said while Jasmine was standing there while rocking on her heels.

"Well I guess I got a betrayer and a whore stealer" Emma spat out.

"Hey! Don't call her that!" Peter said stepping forward next to me while pointing a finger at Emma.

"Well I'm telling the truth! I tried so hard to get your attention but you PUSH me away!" Emma scream at Peter while I hide my face in Peter's chest.

Tears keep coming out of me and would not stop. I just want everything to stop and be okay.

"I don't feel the same to you Emma. I told you that" Peter said while I sniff. Peter start to rub my back to calm me down.

"Oh yeah for that whore?" Emma asked with a chuckle at her question.

"Dani, is not a whore. She's my girlfriend" Peter said Jasmine then walked up to me and pulled me by her side.

I looked up at Emma as I have blood shot eyes showing and tears fall down my face.

"Stay away from me!" Emma scream with anger then swing my door open and ran out.

At last there was silence. Even when everyone knows of Peter and I but at what cost did it took.

I ran into Peter's arms and broke down in them while I cried in he's arms, we both fell to the floor while he tries to calm me down. I just lost a close friend of mine over a boy that I love. I though this summer would be different for us all but in the end we end up broken.

I know I was being selfish and most of the time not spend my summer with my friends in the few days but love just came and told me to listen to my heart that will follow me.

I calmed down at last as Peter took me to my room, I had on one of he's hoddies he has let me keep and I just lay there looking up at the ceiling not even feel like doing nother.

Peter walked in with a hot mug in he's hand.

"Jasmine made you a cup of coffee" Peter said setting it on the side table while I sit up for a bit still have the sad face on.

"Okay" I replied quietly. I can hear the rain outside my window beeing heard.

All that happened to me seem to when as a rush to me, I never wanted to get hurt; for anyone to get hurt but in my side I am a selifish to be with someone like Peter and now that I lay here I don't know what to do. 

I have at least two options I could do, one: I could be with Peter and we can be happy we won't have to hide from the world with our relationship and that Jasmine would support us but Emma would still be mad and would never be in our life again.

Or two: I have to break up with Peter to fix my relatioship with Emma so she won't hate me and would go back to being friends, but then I would be heart broken because I won't have Peter in my life and I won't just hurt myself but I will break Peter's heart as well.

"Peter?" I asked sitting up while looking down.

"Yes Princess?" Peter said as I keep looking down on my bed. I have to do it.

"I do love you and all but" I said cutting myself off.

"But what?" Peter asked.

"It's over. I'm breaking up with you" I said as I look up at Peter who has tears in he's eyes as well as I have.

"Is this about Emma or?" Peter asked.

"No. She is right we are not good together and I'm doing the right thing to do" I said while Peter just sat there not saying a word.

"You should leave" Peter only he did was nodded and left.

And then I broke down. I had to do it.

Summer I Feel For HimWhere stories live. Discover now