Chapter Eleven

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When I got to work at the milkshake shaker my co worker, Kelly was already hear just setting the chairs out from outside. I speed walk to go and set my stuff behind the counter. Kelly turn to see I have arrive sending me a smile.

"Morning Danielle!" She said giving me a big smile her way.

"Morning" I said but more of a mumble. I put my bag behind the counter and put on my cap and apron on, I hate wearing these things but I have no choice, I'm doing all this for the money and to help my Mom.

I let a sigh out and walked over to help Kelly put the chairs down next to the tables. Kelly looked at me seeing my face expression I have on me.

"Not your morning today?" Kelly asked me while I look at her.

"Nope it is not" I told her in my best nice way voice I could off done.

"Well I'm sure it will soon change later on" Kelly said giving me a positive look, I nodded at her, not really convice for sure.

Soon when it was time for opening, some costumers came to order and go as more of our co workers turn up, the boss was of for the day, so I don't have to deal with him for whole day.

While I was cleaning the table's down I saw Emma and Jasmine walked up to me with smile's on there face. We were meant to meet up at the nail shop later on when my shift is finish to get our nails done.

"What are you guys doing here? I'm working?" I told them both who they both had grins on there face.

"We can see that" Emma said making me rolled my eyes at them.

"We come to visit you a work so you won't feel left alone" Jasmine said as I walk up behind the counter while Emma and Jasmine followed me.

"That is sweet of you both but I can't have you both with me, I got people to serve and with both of you here won't help me" I told them both as Kelly walk past me to make our customer a drink.

"But we are bord" Emma said throwing her head back.

"Okay? Go and see a movie? I just start my shift?" I told them both while I raise my eye brows.

"But it's not fun without you" Emma complane as Jasmine turn to her.

"So you telling me I'm not fun?" Jasmine asked her as I sigh.

"I did not mean it in that way" Emma said as I slam my hand down on the conter already annoyed with them.

"Listen I need the money hear to work so if you both are bord I suggest go and do something until my shift is over okay?" I said as they look at me in silence then left as Jasmine turn to look at me for a moment.

"Sorry Dani" Jasmine said as I nodded while she left. After they both left I close my eyes taking a deep breathe and then open my eyes. Sometimes friends can really annoy you when you have to work.

"Hey Danielle can you serve this guy when I go on my break" Kelly said while nodded as Kelly when for her break.

I turn to the cusomer and before I could let a single word out of my mouth I see my neighbour who which I don't know he's name yet standing infront of me. Great now he knows where I work, he might be showing up here everyday now.

"What are you doing here?" I asked rudly at him, he chuckle at what I said to him.

"Now look who is being rude now" He said with that devil grin on he's face.

"No, answer my question or leave" I said to him while I raise a brow.

"Well I came here to drop something of to you, princess" He said I rolled my eyes at him using the pet name yet again.

"And what is it?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"This" He said bringing out my book I was looking for. I knew it.

"Give it back" I said reaching over to grab it but he douge my direction.

"Not so fast" He said as I groan. Why won't he just give it back to me?

"Of couse you want something in return" I said glaring at him.

"I do" He said to me nodding as well.

"What is it?" I asked him as he title he's head to the side.

"You meet me near the beach closer to the forest and I'll tell and give your book back" He said walking away as I stand there speachless.

"And bring me a chocolate milkshake with you" He said turning around giving me a grin. Well this is the only choice I'll have.

Either that or I'll never get my book back. I knew he took my book from my room and now I know he is playing the wild game to get me to fall into he's trap and I to be careful when he plays other wise I might end up getting hurt.

But this weird feeling of him following me is kind of freaking me out when I see him everywhere, I go every turn I take and even every look I give him, seems to send my stomach in a fuzzy move and my heart to beat faster then it should.

I don't even like the guy and he is not even my type to date but he is really pushing it with me. I don't know if this is a good thing to do or a bad but my gut is telling me to go. The only thing that could be bad is getting kidnpped and killed.

Well if I was in Emma she would take my chance, but if I was in Jasmine's she would forget about it and hang out with her friends. I guess I will be walking in Emma shoes for now until I get what I want.

It is just my rude neighbour he can't do shit.

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