Chapter Seventeen

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I open the stroage room door ad step out of it quickly shutting it so Emma won't see Peter. I brush my skirt down hoping Emma won't catch anything. Then I quickly saw the ladies bathroom and walked there then turn around and start walking, Emma saw me and ran up to me.

"Danielle I've been looking for you! Where have you been, you miss half of the movie already?" Emma asked while I though of something real quickly to come up with some sault of lie to cover up.

"I've been in the ladies puking my guts out" I said putting a hand to my forhead.

"Have you? I when in there but I didn't see you in there and I called your name out" Emma asked looking at me worried about me.

"Yeah I heard you, I was puking quietly didn't want to bother anyone. It must of been of that hotdog I at earlier" I said while Emma gave me a soft smile.

"Well do you want me to take you home?" Emma asked me. All I want to do right now is to be with my thoughs and alone.

"No it's fine, I'll walk home, I think some fresh air will do me some good" I said as Emma chuckle lightly.

"Well if you need anything call me and Jas okay" Emma said as I nodded.

"See you tomorrow or something" Emma said as I walked away and as I got outside and start walking I let a smile appear on my face. I can not believe it worked!

And Emma normaly never falls for my tricks and lies.

"Hey!" I heard Peter say as I turn around to see him catching up to me as I stop letting him catch up to me.

"Hey" I said with a smile on my face while I feel my heart flatter.

"I saw what you said to Emma" Peter said as we walk together side by side.

"I know, I was so going to laugh. I can not believe she fell for it" I said giggling at the memory that just happen as Peter let a light chuckle out.

"Can I walk you home?" Peter asked me, I look at him seeing he's lips turn into a warm smile. That smile warmed my heart up seeing that.

"Yeah, sure. I mean we leave next door, but I don't mind" I told Peter who gave me a grin while we walk together.

"Can I asked you a question?" I asked as it when silence for a moment.

"Depends on the question" Peter said still have a grin on he's face making me chuckle.

"Why did you break into my house and stoll my book?" I asked as Peter look up then chuckle at the question I ask.

Peter is a really curious person and I want to know why he chose a book instead of money or even jewelry.

"Because I wanted to get to know you and I chose by finding what you love doing which is reading. Plus I did not break into your home, the window was left open and I was just borrowing it" Peter said as I look ahead then I felt a hand slip in my hand.

I look down to see Peter is holding my hand, I smile down and we carry on walking together hand in hand.

"You could of asked me and I would of let you borrow it" I said looking at him with a smile, I could see a smile spread on Peter's lips as he look straight ahead.

"Are you always a bookwhorm Miss Adams?" Peter asked me as I laugh at the name of calling me a bookwhorm.

"Are you always a bad boy Mr Hills?" I asked while giving Peter a smirk. Peter laugh at calling him by he's last name.

"I'm not like those other boys" Peter said as I look at him curriously.

"Then why was you so rude to me and Jasmine when we first meet?" I asked him stopping on my sport and turn my fall body to face Peter.

"It's hard to explain" Peter said looking down at the ground. I put my finger under he's chin lifting he's head up for him to look me in the eyes.

"You don't have to tell me if you are not ready. But when you are I'll be ready to listen and I won't judge" I told him. Peter look me into those eyes and nodded not saying a word. He then lean he's forhead against mine as we stand there with are eyes close.

At this moment I felt like I was in some kind of movie. Or in a trance. It felt so good that I felt so loved towards Peter. Even when I have just meet Peter a few weeks and days I wanted him.

I want Peter to open up to me and I will let him take all the time  in the world that he needs until he is ready to tell me. 

It does make me curious why he did that, the day we first meet. It could be that someone died that he change. Or someone got into he's head to make him like that.

But I wonder if he ever is changing since he came to the Bay. Or even if he is still the same.

"Come on, geting dark" Peter said while he took my hand and we carry on walking together. Even in the dark I normally feel a bad pit in my stomach walking home alone at night.

But I feel safe for once. Maybe because Peter is with me and is holding my hand. It makes me feel safe when I am close with him. Sometimes it reminds me when my Dad use to keep me safe when we walk together once I was little now I think Peter is my protection now.

As we stop outside my house Peter turn to me then look up the door. I looked as well then turn to look at Peter who was still holding my hand.

"Is your Mom home?" Peter asked.

"Maybe" I said not sure if she is.

"I'll come visit you later tonight" Peter said then turn he's face and kiss me on the cheek making me go red and I smiled at the same time.

"Night" I said even though he is visiting me tonight. I let go of Peter hand and walked to my door. I turn around to see him walking to he's house next door.

"Night Princess" Peter said I chuckle at the pet name and then I when inside.

Shutting the door behind, while my heart flatter into a millon pieses. Oh Peter what you do to me.

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