Chapter Thirty

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During the following days of summer, I have spend it with Peter, it was either him coming round my place with us spend the day kissing or cuddling or it was me going round he's place. Soon as the weeks have when by it was coming up to the end of the summer, the summer has been a blast and I would not want to forget what I have done this summer.

But now it was time for the bonfire on the beach, me Emma and Jasmine go every year near the end of the summer then we would have a sleep over round one of our houses. But this year it feel different as no one knows that Peter and I are dating apart from Jasmine and I don't know if I really want to go this year.

"Hey girl!" Jasmine said walking into my room lucky Peter is not here, he just left ten minutes to take a shower.

"Hey what's up?" I asked while Jasmine sat down on my bed.

"Well we are goingto the bonfire like every year!" Jasmine said with a look of excitement on.

"I don't feel like going this year" I told her which her smile dropped as soon as I said that.

"We go every year"  Jasmine said while she narrow her eye brows at me.

"I know I just want to spend my night with Peter" I said then I saw Jasmine smile.

She then bring out her phone then start texting someone, I'm not sure who then she put her phone away and looked at me giving me a grin.

"He will be there, now come on" Jasmine said.

I sight at her while I get of the bed changing into clean clothes then we both left my house to go to the bonfire it was already getting dark by the sunset setting down.

"Who did you text?" I asked her while we walked together linking arms.

"Nothing to worry about" Jasmine told with with a smile on her face.

I bet it was Clark she text.

Soon it was now dark out and we made it on the beach seeing the bonfire lit up and logs gather around us. We made our way over to most of our class mates in our school, who were all drinking beers and all the good stuff they have with them.

"Hey you made it!" Emma said standing and giving me a hug while I hug back.

"Yeap, I am" I said pulling away and sat down on the log. 

Emma then passed me a red cup to me, I sniff it first not sure what is in it then I took a sip out of while I made a funny face.

Everone seems to have a blast by talking, laughing and even kissing some of us. The only thing I wish is for Peter to sit next to me, whisper sweet things into my ear and even kiss me like in those movies. But I just feel so trapped by Emma's shadow.

While I was in my thought I felt someone eyes on me and when I looked I saw my boy that has just arrive with he's brother. He looked at me giving me a smile I smiled back he's way but that moment was soon been ruined when Emma step in front of him.

I rolled my eyes at Emma always want the attenion seeker. I took a sip out of the red cup trying to ignore Emma and Peter when I turn to look to see Jasmine giving me a sad smile. But then all of a sudden I had an amazing idea what to do.

"We should play truth or dare" I said with a grin on my face.

"Yeah why not" Jasmine said as everyone gather around to join the game.

"So we all know the rules to the game? If you say truth you must not lie you get dare you must do it" I said as everyone nodded. I look to were Peter is sat next to Emma in which he gave me a smirk while I grin at him.

"I'll asked first. Emma truth or dare?" Jasmine asked her in which Emma smirk at her.

"Dare me" She said with confidence.

"Alright I dare you to sit on Lucas lap for the whole  game without your shirt on" Jasmine said.

A load of oohs was heard as Emma huffed wanting a better one then that while she did it anyway.

"Alright my turn" Emma said while I start to get nervous what Emma will asked.

"Dani? Truth or dare?" Emma asked me while I look around.

"Truth" I said while she rolled her eyes at me.

"Is the rumours true that you fucked Lucas Ross?" Emma asked. 

Of couse Lucas will try make a rumour about me after he tries to drag me upstairs and rape me while I was drunk.

"No, it isn't" I said with a smile on my face.

"My turn. Peter, truth or dare?" I asked looking a Peter.

He then chuckle looking at me, while he wet he's lips then bite he's bottom lip while looking at me with hungry eyes.

"Dare" Peter said with a smirk on he's face.

"I dare you to kiss the most hot girl or guy out here tonight?" I asked hoping he would not pick me. Well I wish to show everyone he is mine.

Peter then got up while looking around I watch Peter move about, while Emma fix her hair up think she would be pick but to my surprise no.

Then I realize Peter was making he's way to me, my breath caught in my throat was happen right now, I could not move or say anything I just froze looking into he's eyes. Then Peter took my face and kiss me  on the lips while everyone watch with wide eyes, wide mouth open, some where spilling the drink out and some where wolf whistling at us. 

I was so stuck in the kiss that I forgot everyone around us.

"I want to do that when I first saw you here tonight" Peter said as I laugh.

But that all change when Emma screamed and we turn to see her looking real red in the face and anger all over her while she cluch her thist.

This was not good at all.

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