Chapter Ten

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After I took a quick shower when I got home, after Jasmine and Emma drop me off I walked into my room while I dry my hair with a towel I search my room seeing it looks different, like something has change. Mom did tell she did some cleaning but I know Mom would not of move anything. Then I look to my bookshelf to see one of my book is missing from my shelf and I always put my book back after I finish reading it.

"Mom!" I called out to her which she came in my room in two secounds.

"Yes?" Mom asked me as I turn to face her while pointing to my book shelf.

"Did you take I Have Something To Tell You book off the shelf?" I asked her which she look to my book shelf then to me.

"No, did you lay it around somewhere?" Mom asked me.

"No I always put it back" I told Mom while I look at her confuse.

"Well it could off fell of the shelf and landed somewhere" Mom said to me, while I was thinking where the last place it could off gone.

"Or someone came in and took it" I mumble to myself then look back up at Mom.

"I'll find it some how" I told Mom who smiled at me.

"Okay sweetpea, goodnight" Mom said then left the room. I then turn to my window where I see the asshole in he's room while listen to music. 

He looked out across from me, then low he's headphones to around he's neck. I then gave him a death stare while he gives me a grin and mouth to me that he has he's eye on me.

Oh he wish he would. I mouth to him game on. I know he must of slip into my window and saw my books that I love and deside to take one. But if he has, he just create war with me.

One someone takes my books they don't end up in a good way. Last time someone did was Emma I end up screaming at her and I bite her by accident but she knows now not to touch them.

They are my whole world and I would give my life up to be with my books for life. You can say I am a bookwhorm that most people called me at school but I never care what they say to me.

Not to mention I Have Something To Tell You book has a special place in my heart, it is really special to me and I need to find where it is.

I got into bed after I blow dried my hair, and it seems I could not really sleep, I kept looking up wide away, no way to fall asleep. If I tell people about I lost a book they would just say, it's just a book, you can buy another copy.

But it is not just a book to me. It was the last thing my dad gave to me before he died, and I have tresure it with all my heart, I have read it so many times and I will not stop to put it down when I think of him I see my dad while reading the beautiful story.

I sigh sitting up and got my laptop out. Maybe I should write a bit of my book, it might help me clear my mind with worrying about my book. It could just fell off like Mom said but it seem's my gut tell's me something else then that.

I started writing hopfully it will calm my nervous down until the morning. I'll just have to find it in the morning.

The Next Morning

The sun light shine through the window the next morning. I have been up since three looking all over the place for my book, but I seem to can't find it anywhere. It does seems to piss me off when you can't find anything or when you lose something.

I finally stood up and gave up looking for it while I exsit my room wearing demin blue shorts and a white crop top saying love on it. I had my bag packed with my apron and cap in the bag already as I set in the chair.

"Hey! Did you find your book?" Mom asked me I sat down while Mom made me breakfast with my coffee.

"No" I said with a sad face on as I lean my arms on the table.

"Oh, I'm sure it will turn up somewhere" Mom said as I hummed in respose to her arswer.

"I know how much that book means to you, but if it doesn't show up, I'll buy you the same one" Mom said trying to give me a positive look.

"I don't want a new one, it won't be the same. That book is too special to me" I told Mom while I raise my voice a little bit.

"I know, I'm sorry" Mom said with sorrow in her voice while I frown, I finish my coffee off and grab my bag for work.

"Forget it" I said walking out of the house and slam the door shut to show Mom that I am piss. I know I should not being taking it out of Mom but I'm just too upset.

How would she feel when something of her's when missing.

But at the same time while I am taking out on Mom, I should be taking it out on someone else, it is not even her fault to begin with. I should amed it at someone else. But my gut and my brain chose my Mom.

I should apogize later on and tell her it was not her fault. Mom has too much stress going on and now I have put more stress on her shoulder. I did not want to do that to her, but I did.

But for right now I need to get to work and deal with all this later on when me, Emma and Jasmine are finish with our day.

 Hopefully I don't get stress out as well today.

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