Chapter Twenty

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As Jasmine and I enter the house it was filled with millions and millons of high school students, who look like drinking out red cups and talking and some even dancing on the floor. I looked around hoping to catch the eyes of those beautiful blue eyes of he's but I could not find them.

"Well, Danielle Adams is that you?" I heard the voice of  Lucas Ross say walking up to me and Jasmine with he's jock friends.

"Yes it is Ross" I replied while most of he's friends look at me up and down with grins on there face making me feel uncomforable.

"I don't even think about try getting into my pants boys to see my bra because all you will get is a punch to your cock" I told them all who all back out. I smirk to myself proud of what I said.

"Damn girl" Lucas said as I chuckle and then walked away to grab myself a drink.

I found a cup for myself and began drinking it the taste of beer hit my throat as I drank it down.

"What is in this?" I heard a boy voice asked me. I turn to be face with a curly brunette boy who has blue eyes and even looks  similar to someone.

"Uh, beer" I replied this boy looks about fifteen to he's age.

"Oh well if I get drunk I get drunk" He said making a weird face expression making me laugh.

"I'm Clark by the way" He said with he's hand out to shake mine.

"Danielle but everyone calls me Dani" I told him shaking he's hand.

"Ah, so you are the Danielle that caugh my brothers attention" Clark said while I look at him confuse.

"What?" I asked as I hear him chuckle.

"Peter. He's my brother, I'm he's younger brother. Well two years younger then him" Clark explain to me, now it makes sentence, he does look like Peter instead of the curls in he's hair.

Oh I see" I said looking around the house.

"Have you seen him around here?" I asked Clark.

"We arrived here together but got he dragged away by some red hair chick" Clark said, of course Emma would try and get her hands on Peter.

"Who is she?" Clark asked spotting Jasmine dancing on the floor. As she sway to the music as her hair flows about.

"Thats my friend Jasmine. We have been friends since third grade" I explain to Clark as I take a sip out of the red cup.

"Wow. She single?" Clark asked as he keeps staring at her, I chuckle seeing that Jasmine has got someone attention.

"If you want to talk to her you can go over to her she won't bite" I told Clark.

"Nah I'm good here" Clark said while I laugh while shaking my head.

I then saw Peter walk over to us. I put my cup down as Peter stop in front of us, he has a face of guilt on he's face which starts to worry me.

"Can we talk?" Peter asked. I look at him with worriedness filled my face as I nodded leading Peter upstairs in the house. I can tell it's something ereragent and Peter wants to talk somewhere alone so no one can hear.

I then open the door to a room and we both slip in as I close the door behind, turning around to see Peter is looking at me with a really guilty face on.

"What is it Peter?" I asked him.

"Emma kissed me" Peter told me as I stood in my place as I lick my lips.

"Did you kiss her back?" I asked him with hope he did not.

"God no" Peter said as I sigh.

"I don't know what to do Peter. She's my friend and all but she wants you" I said crossing my arms over my chest as Peter came up to me.

"But I want you" Peter said as I look up at him. I can see how much honesty he has in he's eyes that he is not lying to me.

"I know but maybe we should stay away from each other for a while. Until Emma finds a new tarrget to take" I said looking at Peter with sad eyes. I don't want to do this to us but I just don't have no choice.

"What? No, no. I won't let her get to me" Peter said putting his hands on my cheek.

"She won't stop" I said trying to look away from he's eyes.

"And I won't stop until I'll be with you" Peter told me making me looking into he's eyes.

"Danielle, look at me" Peter said as I look at him as I sigh.

"It's only you I want. And she can go fuck herself all she wants, I rather die then be with her" Peter said making my eyes water up.

"Oh Pete" I said wraping my arms around he's neck to be pulled into a hug.

"I know Dani" Peter said while hugging me back. I barried my head against he's neck while we just stand there not moving at all.

I can even smell Peter's Calvin Klein aftergrade on which actually smells good on him. Peter let a brethe out while we still stand there in silence until I pulled away from Peter and look Peter in the eyes.

"Let's go on that date tomorrow" I said as Peter gave me a cheeky grin my way.

"A date it is" Peter said then step towards me looking me in the eyes.

"I want to kiss you so bad since I heard you were coming here tonight" Peter said as we were close to even kissing.

"Then what is stopping you?" I asked Peter in a whisper then next thing happen, Peter backed me up against the door while he attack me with he's lips, kissing me over.

Peter locked the door as he carried on kissing me, I moaned into the kiss, Peter's lips feel so good better then any guy who would kiss me, I pulled away looking into Peter's eyes.

After what Emma did makes me feel mad, so right now I want to prove or maybe show Emma that Peter does not her.

"I want you to be my first" I whisper in Peter's ear as we both look into each others eyes.

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