Chapter Eight

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Emma dragged me and Jasmine to a shop we look around at the shop to see it was fall of panties and bras. Classic Emma! Both Jasmine and I stand near the entrance to the shop while Jasmine eyes look like they were going to pop out while my mouth hang open in shock.

We knew Emma for so long so we know she would take us to shops like this and we don't know how we are not use to this by now.

"Yo girls, come on!" Emma told us to follow her. Both Jasmine and I follow Emma no longer want to stand there looking like lemons. But Jasmine looks so sweet and Emma had to hurt her eyes what she has to see.

"Um Emma you had to drag us in here?" I asked but mosly I know what the answer is going to be.

"Yeap" Emma said holding up a pair of panties seeing if she wants them or not.

"Emma we don't need new panties" I told her which she put them back.

"You guys might not want panties but I know we do" Emma said as I throw my head back with a groan left my lips.

"Emma-" I said getting cut of by Emma throwing a pair of panties in my face. I looked at it seeing it's my size, how did Emma know my size?!

"How do you know my size?!" I  asked more like demand how she knows.

"Oh I looked at your size panties in your draw when we all have sleep overs, I looked at your's Jas as well" Emma said seeing Jasmine eyes when big.

"Emma I don't need panties and sure Jas doesn't either" I said pointing to Jasmine.

"Dani, please get some with me I'm sure of you will not regret when you get some" Emma plead for me as I look to see Jasmine left the shop. I don't blame her to get away from this shop. There is just so much naughty bits selling here.

"Fine, but I'm not buying alot" I told Emma who jumped up and down.

"I knew you would give up" Emma said giving me a hug and then turn back to searching.

"Clearly" I mummble to myself hope Emma did not hear me.

There was so much this shop is selling in here, I could never imagine myself wear something as far as what Emma would wear under neath her mini skirt she wears today.

I looked at all the different styles they have I don't even need that much but I think Emma would buy me the whole shop and she will not tell me to pay her back.

After paying for the panties and bra's, Emma and I left the shop. I had one bag holding while Emma has two bags holding. Emma is crazy somtimes but I love her.

We see Jasmine sat down on the bench on the side eatting some chocolate that she must got in a shop. We walked over to her as Jasmine stand up seeing us.

"Don't ever take me in that shop again, Emma!" Jasmine told her more like a warrning to her which Emma chuckle.

"Sorry Jas, I won't do it again, I got too excited" Emma said as I took a bit of Jasmine chocolate she was eating which she let me.

"Okay can we go and get some swim wears?" I asked Emma while Jasmine raise a brow at her question her the same question.

"Yes we can" Emma said then turn to walk ahead of us.

"Did she made you buy anything in that shop?" Jasmine asked me linking arms with me while we eat chocolate.

"You know what Emma is like she won't take no for an answer" I told Jasmine who agreed with I said.

"You know I can hear you both" Emma told us with a chuckle after she said that.

"Sorry" We both said then I laugh nervously while Jasmine move her hair out of the way.

"I know you both are, that's why I love you both" Emma said then join are link arms with us as we walk together, into shops.

We all walked into the shop that sells all summer gear and swimming wear, the shop we all want to go in before Emma drag us in there.

We all then split up looking for what we want to wear. I look at the different bekins they have they all look so good and I could wish I could buy them all. But I only pick out eight. A light pink one, a yellow one, a grass green one, navy blue one, dark purple one, a orange sunset one, a black one, and a white one out. They all look so cute and would go with my skin.

I then when up to Jasmine who pick out three she wants, she look down at the bekins I hold in my arms.

"Are you not turning into Emma by any chance?" Jasmine asked me which I chuckle.

"If I was I would off lost my virginity now" I told her then we both laugh. Next thing happen Emma came running up to us and throw us a red bekin at us.

"Go and pay for it, it's the last one! Some lady try to take it off me because she wants it, now she is chasing me!" Emma explain then me and Jasmine look at each other.

"Go!" Emma told us which we both lead it to the desk to pay for it while leaving Emma to deal with this lady.

It is funny seeing how Emma wants these things and she fight for it, and the fact is we are always there when she fights for things.

After we payed we waited outside the shop for Emma then in a secound she came out with a smile on her face.

"Thanks girls" Emma said which I gave her the red bekin to put in her bag.

"Anything for you" Jasmine said as I nodded agreeing with her.

"And that is one sexy Bekin that will look so good on you" I told my friend who grin at me.

"Now let's get lunch, I am starving" Emma said walking of to go and have lunch. While Jasmine and I laugh at her following after Emma.

I guess this is what you do for true friends you have with you.

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