Chapter 17

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A bar is filled with many patrons. Aliens, humanoids, and humans. All having a great time. Several alien bounty hunters are at the establishment. When Hermeusa walks in and orders Soumada. A few other drinks for her friends.She goes to sit with them at one of the tables. One of the bounty hunters recognizes Hermeusa, they all approach her and her friends. Aku offered two googolplex for the death of Hermeusa, an offer too tempting for any bounty hunter to ignore. 

Hermeusa and the others are in no mood to fight, but the bounty hunters aren't about to leave her alone. With no other choice, Hermeusa and her friends fight and defeat the bounty hunters before exiting the bar.

Hermeusa and her friends quickly learn that her problems aren't over, as even more bounty hunters are waiting outside the bar, and in a nearby forest. "Let's kick their butts already." Blaze said frustrated. They continue to fight, steadily growing more and more angry at their inability to get any peace.

Meanwhile, Aku is watching Hermeusa and her friends fight the bounty hunters, "Blargh! Useless bounty hunters. Is there no fighting style that can defeat theirs?" He wondered furiously. He then gets hit with realization. The master of darkness gets an idea. "Yeees. No fighting style can defeat theirs." He said with a sly smile. He then lets out a wheezing laugh. 

Back in the forest, the furious group defeat the last of the bounty hunters. Denzin, enraged screams. "Who else wants some!?" There are no other challengers remaining, the group is finally able to rest. Suddenly however, energy starts surging out of each member's chests. The energy then takes on new shapes. New entities are formed: Mean Hermeusa, Denzin, Blaze, Sudalinn, Eika and Oliver. They are all in the color scheme of black and red. Whether it'd be their fur, skin or clothes. Physical representation of their negative emotions, born from Aku's dark powers.

Confused and horrified. Hermeusa and her friends can't believe what they are seeing before them. Copies of themselves, but with distinguishable markings. Hermeusa was the first to speak. "What and who are you all?" She asked sternly. 

"We are the sons and daughters of Aku's magic. He has looked deep within you all and has spawned me and the others. From your own burning hatred. We are your dark hatreds. We are your dark sides and we possess all the power that you all wield. And we have only one purpose in our existence, to destroy you all. Especially you Hermeusa." Mean Hermeusa explained darkly. 

With this in mind, Mean Hermeusa takes out her sword and begins the attack. Hermeusa defends herself with own blade. "Let's take care of them" Hermeusa tells her friends. Focused with the task at hand. Her friends and the mean version of themselves begin to fight. However, the combatants are clearly evenly matched, with neither able to defeat the other. As the battle draws on, all of them become more disheveled.  The crossing blades of both Hermeusas cause sparks, which set the forest ablaze. Eventually, their blades cross, and Hermeusa sees his eyes reflected: they look just like Mean Hermeusa's. 

Hermeusa sees herself compared to her dark counterpart. Hermeusa realizes that Mean Hermeusa was born from her own inner rage. As the others with her friends. Hermeusa stops fighting, sheathing her sword and causing the forest fires to die out. She looks at her friends. "Guys stop fighting. I know how we can defeat them. Start letting go of the negative emotions you feel." She advised calmly. Her friends, hearing her, stop and back away cautiously from their counterparts. 

"We're with you Hermeusa." Denzin assures her. Looking at his own counterpart. Hermeusa looks at her own counterpart. "What the heck is going on?" Mean Hermeusa asked angrily. "You all have lost. The battle is over." Hermeusa responded calmly. "What?" Mean Hermeusa asked angrily again. "You all are our inner demons. You all have been born from the hatred within us, but now that hatred is no more. Thus you all don't exist." Hermeusa calmly explained.  

"You all are fools! We are real! Now, feel the reality of our cold hard steel and weapons." Mean Hermeusa replied with an evil smile. Refusing to accept defeat, the Mean group rush at Hermeusa and her friends. Who are holding hands and their eyes closed. The Mean group are unable to strike. Hermeusa and her friends are once more in control of their emotions.The Mean group can only scream in rage and defeat. As Hermeusa and her friends meditate, sealing Mean Hermeusa, Denzin, Blaze, Sudalinn, Eika and Oliver. All away within themselves.

They all get up to leave.⚡We-did-it⚡Sudalinn communicated smiling. "I'm so glad we did," Eika chimed in. Oliver took off his farmer's hat. Placing it next to his chest. He looks at Hermeusa. "Thanks to you Hermeusar. Those versions of us won't hut us anymoe." He said pleased. "It's because of all of us. Not just me" Hermeusa responded. "They won't hurt us physically. However, they'll still live within us. We have the power to let them either dominate us or not." Denzin informed them. 

"Well said, Denzin" Hermeusa said with a smile. "We bette go before more huntes shuh up." Oliver advised, putting his farmer's hat back on. The group, except for Hermeusa began to walk. As from above, she hears a rattle. She looks off into the distance, knowing Aku is watching her and her friends. "I know you're watching." She says as she walks off to join her friends. "These tricks are starting to annoy me."

(This is Episode VIII:Jack vs Mad Jack. It's reimagined to fit my original characters. A lot of this was taken from the plot wiki. So I give credit to the original writers who wrote the summary. Also to Genndy and the original team who created the episode.)

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