Chapter 8

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Hermeusa, Denzin, Blaze and the others got to know each other more. They even formulated a plan to strike back against the incoming force. That had been spotted from a distance. The force was to come at sunrise.

The morning came, and the sun had begun to rise. The canines were at their hidden positions. While Hermeusa and Denzin stood in the open. The enforcers were robots. They were painted gray and had a black sensor lense. Above their heads was an antenna. Both of their arms had a gun barrel and on their chest too. Below the chest barrel, was the symbol of Aku.

>Where are the canines? Who are you two?< One of the robots asked in a clear robotic voice. "They're none of your concern anymore. All you need to know is that we're here to stop you." Hermeusa replied sternly. >If you won't tell us where the canines are. Nor your identities. Then by order of Aku. You must be terminated.< The robot responded, leveling their arms. The other bots followed. A clicking sound was heard.

There was a tense moment of silence and staring down at one another. Then smoke arose and the sound of firing was heard. The bots were getting slashed, smashed and sliced. Denzin had told Hermeusa to use the forms he had taught her. Most importantly, keep the blade close to her. Her moves aren't perfect, but at least they were getting the job done. Many times, both had to take cover behind rocks.

The canines enacted their side of the plan. Setting off explosives and decimating a number of bots. A blue heeler got their pickaxe and shouted: "For freedom!" They and the other breeds charged at the remaining bots. Their weapons were the same tools. That they had been enslaved to work with.

Hermeusa and Denzin got out of cover with the extra support they had. They continued to fight, until the last bot fell. Blaze had the honor of doing so. He panted, and put the shovel over his shoulder. Hermeusa was exhausted herself, and Denzin played it off. Not wanting to show he was beat.

The canines had stopped panting after a bit. The sudden realization of them being free, caused great jubilation. "We're free!" One exclaimed, overjoyed. There were shouts, yells, clapping and dancing. "Let's not forget, if it weren't for her highness and Denzin. We wouldn't have been able to face those menaces." Blaze said. The canines nodded and celebrated their heroes.

Hermeusa felt proud and glad she had helped. Denzin was relieved it was over. Feeling accomplished with his teachings so far. Hermeusa had proven herself well in a fight. When the celebration was over, the canines left the mines. Blaze went with Hermeusa and Denzin. Partaking in his end of the deal. "Here we go to find Aku." Blaze said seriously.

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