Chapter 27: The Warning

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In his castle, Aku paced back and forth. He didn't know what to do at this point. Whatever he did to the princess, she always came out on top. If he did something to her friends. They always find a way to help each other. He was starting to face the facts. The princess with her little band would always be a thorn on his side. 

He then stopped pacing. "Her friends…her friends…that's it!" He exclaimed, having a magnificent idea. "The only way to get rid of the princess once and for all was through her friends." He said with a devilish grin. "They won't know what hit them." 


It had been months since Hermeusa last saw her friends. As she had been in the temple with the monks during that time. She did keep in touch with them through letters. They all wrote back to one another, telling each other what went on. 

Master Cho walked up to her. "There is something I must show you. Follow me child" he beckoned. Hermeusa stopped her writing. Getting up from her seat, in this case a rock. She had set down the paper and quill she was using. Master Cho led her to a mirror. 

"Master, you brought me to see a mirror?" Hermeusa asked, puzzled. "This is no ordinary mirror. Whatever you see inside, reflects what's inside you. Guides you too. Take a look." Master Cho explained, stepping to the side. Hermeusa got closer to the mirror, ripples were seen, until it stopped. 

There standing before her were two human men. They appeared to be from an era long passed. One was older than the other. He had a top knot hairstyle, his hair was gray, his eyes were black, and he had a black mustache. His expression was light hearted. He wore light blue and white samurai armor. The younger man was fairly tall and lean with a fit build and had long jet black hair. His hair was tied in the same way. His expression was stern. He wore a simple white and gray robe, a white sash around his waist, and a pair of wooden sandals on his feet. 

Both men bowed to her, "hello princess' ' they both said. Then stood upright again. "Hi…who are you two? How do you know about me?" Hermeusa asked, confused. The older man spoke up first. "I was once Emperor of a distant land on this earth. My son…" he placed a hand on the younger one's shoulder "...was the prince of that very same land. He was to be the next one on the throne. However Aku took control of both our fates. By doing so, he also took control of this world and others. We know about you because we have been watching over you. The weapon you wield, the sword forged by the gods have connected us." He answered. 

"Wow, I never would've known we were actually connected. I do remember the gods talking about you when I met them." Hermeusa replied, starting to understand. "I was told that this mirror could guide me. Is there something I need to know?" She asked curiously. Now the prince spoke up. "Yes indeed. We are here to warn you. You will face the biggest challenge yet. When you face it, do not hesitate to act. Even if it means letting go." Hermeusa listened to what the prince had to say. 

"Wait, what do you mean-" Hermeusa was going to question him. Though the same ripples began to flow. "Let the sword guide you to your fate. But let your mind set free the path to your destiny." The Emperor said lastly, the same words he had said to his son all those eons ago. They had faded away, Hermeusa was left stunned. 

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