Chapter 13

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Still in the forest Hermeusa had made a trap out of vines and placed a carrot in the middle as bait. The others were setting up camp again. Moments after she's done, a warthog comes along and sees the carrot in the trap. Hermeusa waits as the warthog slowly walks to the carrot. Suddenly, the ground begins to vibrate and a roar is heard in the distance, scaring the warthog away. A large, furry, four-legged animal bursts through the bushes with three other ones following. 

The creatures were covered with thick fur-covered bodies. Their eyes were human-like. Their noses were long and colorful that hung below their mouth. The other three appear to have small, blue, civilized creatures wearing white suits riding on their backs. The first large animal steps on Hermeusa's trap, which is somehow tied around one of Hermeusa's hooves, dragging Hermeusa along. 

The others hear the commotion. They run out of the foliage to see the sight. They run after the group. Hermeusa is dragged along with the animal, she grabs and climbs the vine, until she reaches the animal tied to it. Hermeusa climbs onto the animal and ties the vine around the animal's front legs, tripping it over and stopping it at the edge of a cliff. 

After Hermeusa got off the captured animal, the small, civilized creatures get off the other three large animals and punish the captured one by electrocuting it with trident-like weapons that act like tasers. Afterwards, the small creatures thank Hermeusa for helping them capture the furry beast, and invite her to their village to celebrate its capture. Hermeusa looks behind her, after hearing her friends' voices. "You alright?" Denzin asks. Kneeling beside her. 

Hermeusa nodded her head. "I am." She answered gratefully, and looked back at the civilized creatures. "I'll take that offer. I was hunting for some food for me and my friends." She responded. "Beats hunting for food," Blaze said with a shrug. Sudalinn nodded in agreement. 

As the four friends and the small creatures ride the beasts back to their village, the small creatures talk to Hermeusa about the beasts, calling them Woolies, claiming that long ago, the Woolies would attack their ancestors. But now, using their modern technology, the small creatures managed to tame the Woolies and get them to help them with their daily duties. 

When they arrived at their village, Hermeusa and the others noticed that the buildings there looked very old.The small creatures then locked the captured Woolie in a giant cage and started the party to celebrate its capture. That night at the party, Hermeusa and the others watch how the small creatures treat the Woolies. Using their electric tridents on the Woolies, they force them to do stunts and performances, similar to a circus. 

When the Woolies fail at their performances, the small creatures punish them again by electrocuting them with their electric tridents. Hermeusa and the others felt uncomfortable by this. Especially Blaze, who didn't like this at all."This is harsh, you know. They're living creatures." He tells one of the small creatures. "This is no different from the way humans treat horses." The creature explained. 

Later that night, Hermeusa takes another look at the structures and back at the small creatures, finding it strange how the large buildings seem unbefitting for their size. Hermeusa then walks to the cage that the captured Woolie is locked in to feed it. As Hermeusa starts to walk away, the Woolie says to Hermeusa in perfect human English, "Help me." 

Before Hermeusa can respond, the small creatures suddenly appear, run into the cage, and electrocute the captured Woolie with their electric tridents. The leader of the creatures tells Hermeusa to be careful, claiming that the Woolies have mind-control and can fry people's brains. Hermeusa was skeptical, but didn't want to chance it. So she let the creature lead her away. 

Even later that night, Hermeusa dreams that she walks through a gate and fights multiple imp-like creatures. Suddenly, the same captured Woolie appears behind Hermeusa and again says "Help me." Hermeusa turns around and sees that the poor Woolie is trapped by a magic orb. 

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