Chapter 9

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The trio had made enough distance from the mines. That they were now in a forest, the afternoon sun was covered.  The leaves from the towering trees were the reason. They stopped when they heard a sizzle of electricity. "What is that?" Hermeusa asked the others. "I don't know." Denzin admitted, and looked down at Blaze. "Do you know?" He asked Blaze. "Nope, I don't" he answered truthfully with a shake of his head. 

"I'm going to investigate" Hermeusa told them and followed the sound. "Wait up," Blaze told her. Denzin followed the two. They made it to the sound. There was a being hanging upside down from a tree. A rope was tied to their ankle, it had to be a trap that they had set off. The being was female. They had blue skin, purple eyes, and silver hair. They wore an Apricot Turtleneck Cut Out Eyelet Detail Sweater. Brown Women Casual Cotton Stretchy Pants. Finally, black boots. 

The being had spotted them. Instead of talking, words appeared between their antennas. In the form of electrical surges, that's why the specific noise was made. ⚡Hey-you-three! Please,-I-need-your-help-getting-down!⚡

They pleaded. "Blaze, you're the only one who can climb. May you please get her down?" Hermeusa asked politely. Blaze smiled, "sure thing." He went towards the tree and climbed when reaching it. He started to get on the branch cautiously. Slowly, he inched closer to the rope and the being's ankle. He began to untie her. 

Hermeusa looked at Denzin. "Denzin, you should catch her when she falls." She advised him. "You're right" he replied softly and went over. Extending his arms, ready to catch the being. Sure enough, the being fell, and Denzin caught her. ⚡Thank-you-so-much⚡ The being happily said, due to her smile. 

"Don't mention it" Blaze answered, climbing down. "You're welcome" Denzin said back with his own smile. The being was set down and Blaze had landed. Hermeusa walked over. "It's nice that everyone is alright." She said with relief. ⚡You-said-it.⚡ The being agreed. ⚡It's-my-luck-that-you-three-found-me. I'm-Sudalinn-Mozo. An-emoji-alien.⚡ Sudalinn introduced herself. ⚡What-are-your-names? What-beings-are-you-three?⚡ She asked curiously with the tilt of the head. 

Hermeusa started. "I'm princess Hermeusa. Hermeusa is fine. I'm a centaur. It's a pleasure to meet you Sudallin." Denzin was next. "I'm Denzin Singleeye. I'm a minotaur. It's nice to meet you." Blaze was last. "I'm Blaze, a Collie. It's good to meet you." He finished. 

Sudalinn grinned. ⚡It's-an-honor-to- meet-a-princess. It's-good-to-meet-you- all.⚡ She responded. ⚡Say, mind if I join you three?⚡ She asked, her question was full of hope. "If you don't mind coming with us to defeat Aku. Then you're welcome to." Hermeusa answered matter of factly. Sudalinn was surprised, just like Blaze was. ⚡Woah-you're-going-to-really-do-that? Then-you're-going-to-need-all-the-help-you-can-get. I'm-coming-with-you-three-for-sure.⚡ Sudallin said, being straightforward. 

"Welcome aboard!" Blaze exclaimed. Excited to have a new member to the team. Denzin wasn't too sure of gaining new people. Though, he couldn't turn those who wished to help them down. "Excellent." Hermeusa said, feeling more relaxed about doing her task. She looked up to the sky. "We better get some food and rest here till the next day." She instructed. "Agreed" Denzin said. 

The group hunted and picked food. Sudalinn had made the campfire. The four sat down on logs and rocks. Eating the food they had gotten. It was a delicious and hearty meal. Denzin finished his, and Hermeusa finished hers right after. 

Denzin proposed that the two should do more training. Hermeusa agreed to that. This time, Denzin taught her about the 8 angles of attack. "Straight down, straight up, diagonally down to the right, diagonally down to the left, diagonally up to the right, diagonally up to the left and left and right strikes horizontally." He showed her the moves. Then instructed her to do the same. "Keep your sword close." He reminded her. Hermeusa did the movements and got corrected. The ones she needed to work on, she repeated them again.  

"Next up, we're going to work on the offensive. You are better off seizing the offensive than waiting for the right time to counter-attack." Denzin lectured. He grabbed a large stick. Together, he taught her what it meant. She was doing well. 

"There are times when defensive action is called for." Denzin added, and again taught her what that meant. They did enough for the night session. Blaze and Sudalinn had watched the whole time. The fire was put out and all of them laid down to sleep. 

Hermeusa turned on her back to see the stars. Thoughts of her family, people and the gods crossed her mind. "I will make you all proud." She said softly, before closing her eyes. Drifting off to sleep. 

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