Chapter 3

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Hermeusa had made it back to the cave when the hour was up. Dinner had begun to be served. She sat down next to her mother. They thanked the gods for this food, and soon ate. Afterwards, it was time to sleep. Everyone rested on their hammocks. Hermeusa swung herself to sleep, with one of her hooves to the side. 

She dozed off to sleep, till she was fully asleep. In the dreamscape, there was fog with light shining through. The fog dissipated to reveal three gods. They were Odin, Ra and Rama. 

Odin had a blond beard, an empty right eye socket. He wore a tunic of white and gold, with a large winged helmet. Next up was Ra, who had the body of a man, but the head of a falcon and wore a sun disk. He was riding on a crocodile. Similarly to Odin, Ra had a predominantly gold color scheme. Ra also carried an ankh, the Egyptian symbol for life and a crook (heka), symbol of kingship in ancient Egyptian royalty. Finally Rama, who is dark in color. Tying himself to Vishnu. He held an arrow in his right hand and a bow in his left. He wore princely adornments and the kirita-makuta (tall conical cap) on his head indicating his royal status.

Hermeusa was wide eyed and agape. She had never seen them before, but knew they were very powerful with their radiance. The three gods smiled at her. "Don't be afraid, child. We mean you, no harm. I'm Rama, the one with the helmet is Odin, and the one with the bird head is Ra." Rama told her. "Yes, we just came to tell you some important news." Odin added. "Something that will change your life and the course of history." Ra finished. 

Hermeusa heard the three gods, and was still trying to come to terms with what was happening. "I'm listening." She replied. "Long ago, this black mass traveled through space and time. Me and the others defeated some of it. Before it landed on Earth. One Japanese Emperor gave life to the black mass by mistake. The mass called itself Aku. Nothing on Earth could destroy them. Except for a magic Katana. That I, Odin, and Ra forged. The katana held the power of righteousness extracted from the Emperor's spirit. Its divine nature was capable of inflicting burning wounds to Aku, which were very difficult for him to regenerate from. Further damage can severely weaken his powers or seal him inside the katana.

The Emperor managed to seal Aku for a time, until the eclipse came about. Setting Aku free, which allowed Aku to cause havoc. The Emperor's son had a destiny placed on them to defeat Aku. Alas, it was to no avail. Aku destroyed the Samurai. Hiding the sword and carrying a reign that has lasted for eons." Rama explained. "However, not all hope is lost. For you see Princess, we have chosen you to defeat Aku." Ra proclaimed. 

Hermeusa listened to the story. She was flabbergasted to hear her role in all of this. "Me? I don't want to question or doubt you gods. I feel like I'm not capable. Besides, didn't you say that Aku hid the sword?" She asked. "He did, but nothing can hide from us gods." Odin said proudly. "The sword is hidden on this island actually. Where the waves reach the reef." Odin answered. "Once you find the sword. You must head to Crete. There is a labyrinth, and inside there is a minotaur." Odin swirled some clouds to shape a see through portal. It showed a male minotaur. Their coat was white, their eyes orange and they wore a black kilt that matched their hair. 

"His name is Denzin Singleeye." Odin continued. "He is a skilled warrior and trainer in Greece. When you meet him, be prepared to answer a riddle. Answer correctly, he will lead you out. But first, tell him that by the gods he is to train you." Odin instructed. "Understood?" He asked, wanting to make sure she got that. "I understand lord Odin." Hermeusa answered. She felt it was easy enough to comprehend. 

"Excellent. Don't forget what we've said. For the fate of this world and many others. Rest on your hands, Princess." Rama announced and with that the dream concluded. Hermeusa opened her eyes and looked around. She was still in her hammock. Her parents and people were still asleep. She rubbed her eyes, and stretched, before getting off her hammock. 

She walked as quietly as she could. So she didn't wake the group. Once out of the cave, she went galloping to the seashore. The waves splashed and the water flowed. She had to make it towards the reef. The question was how she was going to do it? Horses aren't great swimmers, even with a human body. 

She looked around, maybe she could build a raft. She thought it was the best route to take. Grabbing some sticks and vines, she tied them together into a square. She laid the raft onto the water and got herself on. She began to paddle towards the reef, the raft and her going up and down. She had reached the reef, but where was the katana? 

She looked around, when a shimmer caught her eye. She saw the outline of a sword. It had to be it, so she got off the raft. Diving into the sea, she outstretched her hand. Grabbing the black and yellow grip of the katana. She tugged, but it was caught between two rocks. She had to get air, so she went up to the surface. The raft was a drift, she got worried, but had to get that katana. Diving down again, she went to the two rocks. She pushed them out of the way with all her might. Grabbing the grip again, she had gotten it out. 

The raft was nowhere to be seen now. She was tired of swimming, though had one more ounce of strength within her. She paddled and kicked her hands and hooves. It wasn't long for her to reach the shore. Now on the soft sand, she turned to lay on her back. The katana in her hand. "I did it," she said with relief. 

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