Chapter 7

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It had been a full day since the centaur and minotaur were on the raft. They had made considerable distance. Even the surroundings had changed. It was foggy and the sky was dark. The raft had touched down on land. "I wonder where we are?" Hermeusa questioned, looking around. "I don't know either, but we have to keep going." Denzin calmly answered, stepping off. Hermeusa followed and stepped off the raft too. 

They kept close to each other. Walking through the dense fog. That's when they hear noises. It was hammering, wheels turning and panting. Denzin motioned Hermeusa to follow the source of the noises. They stood frozen in their tracks, it was a horrifying and cruel sight to behold. 

Bipedal canines of all breeds were mining away. Some looked like they were about to pass out. While others looked so downtrodden and in despair. There were many that had been crucified on trees. Most likely examples of what would happen, if this workforce stopped. One canine noticed the pair. They looked around, before running to them.

"You two, pardon me. I can obviously tell you both aren't from around here. Which is great, because you both may be the key in helping us." The canine said. "Hermeusa and Denzin looked down and heard the canine. Never witnessing a dog who gained the ability to walk upright. Their front paws as hands complete with opposable thumbs, enhanced intelligence and the ability to talk.

"We'd help, but we have our own mission to attend to." Denzin explained regrettably. "What mission would that be?" The canine asked. "I have to find where Aku is. So that I may defeat him. Problem is, I don't know where he resides." Hermeusa explained her predicament. 

The canine was aghast. No one openly opposed Aku, not even thinking of defeating him. Yet, here was this creature. Believing that she could. The minotaur must believe in her too if he was tagging along. The canine closed his mouth. "Sorry for that reaction miss." He apologized.

"I never came across a creature like you and the other. You see, me and the rest of the canines have been enslaved for some time. Aku and his forces have forced us to mine precious minerals. All this will help Aku gain more power." He recounted their tale. "If you were to help free me and the rest of the group. I could tag along and help lead you two to Aku. It is said that Aku lives in a huge tree castle. Surrounded by others in a barren wasteland." He offered. 

Hermeusa and Denzin heard the offer. Then they looked at each other. "Give us a moment," Denzin quickly said to the canine. "Sure," the canine replied. A few steps away, the two began to talk. "Do you think it's a good idea to trust him?" Denzin sincerely asked. "I mean, what does he have to lose? Besides, it's the right thing to do. Look at this place, look at the state these poor creatures are in." Hermeusa answered and outstretched her hand towards the area. "This canine could be of great help to us, Denzin." Hermeusa finished. 

Denzin sighed softly. "Ok, we're doing this." They both turned and went to the canine. "It's a deal." Hermeusa answered, giving him her hand to shake. The canine was ecstatic and shook her hand with his paw. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't wait to tell the others." He said joyfully. They both stopped shaking and let go. "Oh and before I forget. I'm Blaze." He introduced himself. His fur was a dark mahogany sable. His eyes were black. "What are your names?" He asked politely.

"I'm princess Hermeusa. Hermeusa is fine by me." She introduced herself. "This is Denzin Singleeye." She introduced Denzin to him. "That is correct," Denzin said. "Woah, a princess. You're highness" Blaze took a knee and got up again. "It's an honor to meet you and your companion." He had spoken honestly. "Let us talk to the rest." 

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