Chapter 14

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A few days had passed. The group had reached the north. They had gotten to know more about Eika. Eika was the shy and quiet type. Though that didn't deter of speaking her mind at times. Nor create a barrier between her and the others. Surprisingly she was very good with animals and sometimes understood them. 

One of the animals, a squirrel in fact. Told them to go to the nearest village. There was a farm that they should head to. The farmer would gladly help them out with food. After Eika, by the group's request, wanted to know where to get it. They continued to walk and entered the village. 

It looked rundown and the population was low.⚡Do-you-think-this-is-the-right-place?⚡ Sudalinn questioned. "It has to be. The squirrel did tell us to come here." Hermeusa said. "Right Eika?" She asked. Eika nodded, "yeah. That's what they said" she answered. "I can't believe we took directions from a rodent." Denzin said outright. "They may be rodents, but are still able to think." Eika snapped back at him. "Guys, calm down. Look, there's the farm." Blaze pointed to the top of the hill.

On the top, stood a bright and bold red farmhouse. Next to it was a huge orchard. The group made their way to it and heard the sound of a tractor. It appeared with the driver. Who was light beige. Their eyes were blue, and their hair was blonde. They wore a Heavyweight Brawny Flannel Shirt, Chocolate Brown Plaid. Hickory Stripe Bib Overalls. A Farmer's hat and rubber boots with a high shaft. 

Behind the tractor were crates of apples. Ranging from Chestnut Crab, Honeycrisp, Yellow Transparent, and Antonovka. The tractor stopped, and the farmer had noticed the group. They got out, and went towards them. Grabbing a rake. They briskly walked towards them. Close enough, they turned out to be a he. 

He narrowed his eyes. Ready to defend himself. "If you want my money. Then you have come to the wong place." He said sternly. Hermeusa stepped forward. "We didn't come for money. We were told you could help supply us with food. We meant no offense or ill will towards you." She explained. 

The farmer lowered the rake in his hands. "Since you aen't hee fo money. Only fo food as you say. I'm willin to help you, if you help me with my problem." He said. "What's your problem?" Denzin asked cautiously. He didn't want to throw himself and the others. Into a problem they couldn't fix or had no business being in. 

"You see. This village used to be ar beautiful and populated arear. It was like that, until the mafiar came. Big Louie, the boss of that gang, took over. Many of the esidents and business ownes of this village. Got forced out or fled, once they wee wung dy of thei money. I'm the only big business left hee.Thanks to my successful orchard. I don't want to keep livin like this though. I don't want my farm to go into uin. It's been in my family for geneations." He explained. 

"That's why I need your help." He emphasized. The group looked at each other. "I say we help them. Get this village back to its original state." Hermeusa had stated. "I want to help too." Blaze added. "I think it's dangerous, more dangerous than what we've faced so far. However, it is the right thing to do." Denzin added. "If you're all doing this. Then I will too, it's better than doing it alone." Eika chimed in. ⚡We're-in-agreement-then.⚡ Sudalinn communicated last. 

They all looked at the farmer. "We're in. You have a deal." Hermeusa announced. She and the farmer shook on it. Then let go. The farmer smiled. "That's amazin to hea. My name's Olive Mooe." (Oliver Moore) He introduced himself. Blaze like the others smiled back. "I'm Blaze." He took a big exhale. "This is Princess Hermeusa, Hermeusa is fine with her. Denzin, Sudalinn, and Eika." He excitedly said and let out a large exhale. 

"It's nice to meet you all." Oliver replied with a chuckle. "You too, you as well, ⚡charmed⚡, same to you." One nodded. "Where is the mafia located?" Hermeusa asked. 

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