Chapter 10

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In the dark tree castle of Aku. A group of green aliens with long necks and eyes. Stood near the edge of a large fiery pit. Aku's minions, the humanoid demons. Wore blue clothing with the outline of Aku on the front this time. They stood guard behind the group. One minion who had four arms. The Chamberlain, rang the gong. Summoning the demon's presence. 

Aku's black shape rose up quickly and like a snake. He now towered above everyone. He looked at his Chamberlain. "Why are they here?" He asked in a booming voice. "The Reqatas have come to show their monolithic tribute. My lord," Chamberlain explained. Aku smiled devilishly. He lowered himself to make eye contact with the group. Though kept his imposing and intimidating nature. 

"Ah yes. I commanded that once a month, you Reqatas are to build me a tribute. So that you may live in Aku's pastures." He recalled, stroking his beard. "Show the almighty Aku your tribute" he ordered. He had stopped stroking his beard and motioned for the Reqatas to do so. 

"Yes my lord." The leader replied with a humble bow. 5 Reqatas came before Aku. Placing the tribute they carried in front of him. They all were kneeling before him. He had a serious expression as he eyed the tribute. It appeared like he was inspecting it. He then gave another devilish smile. "Yes, this pleases the almighty Aku. You are free to live in Aku's pastures for another month." He had a stern expression, pointing at the leader. "Remember to make another tribute by the end of it." He rose up, towering above them again. "Now be gone" he shooed them away. 

The group took the hint and quickly left. The minions guided them out. Aku picked up the tribute and was going to put it in his collection. When a loud clanking noise reached his ears. He quickly turned around and saw the head and arm of one of his enforcer bots. His eyes widened to see it practically destroyed. He had a scowl on his face. "Why do you disturb the immortal Aku? Why have you come back defeated?" He questioned. 

>Forgive my intrusion master.The bots and I went to the mines you placed the canines in. Prepared to collect what was due. Instead, we were faced with rebellion. Two warriors helped the canines to defeat our forces. My master.< The bot replied. 

Aku got furious with this news. He turned to his the backside wall. "Show me the fools who dared to oppose my enforcers!" He commanded, using his power of remote viewing. The image showed Hermeusa, Denzin and Blaze asleep. Sudalinn wasn't in the frame, since she wasn't a part of the fight. "Heh" Aku chuckled. Incredulous to believe that these three were the ones.

His incredulity changed to being infuriated. He spotted that accursed sword. Next to the sleeping centaur. The object he had hidden away eons ago. Only for it to have been discovered again. The one thing that could lead to his downfall. 

"These insolent creatures, especially the centaur must be dealt with." He said, with the pounding of his fist to the wall. "I shall send out the beetle drones." He said confidently. "Beetle drones, I, the almighty Aku. Release you out of the Pit of Hate to do my bidding!" He proclaimed. 

The sound of rumbling and scurrying was heard. Many drones were coming out of the pit. "It'll just be a matter of time till they are disposed of." Aku said with an evil grin. He then laughed. "Bwahahahaha!" 

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