Chapter 1

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In a kingdom set in feudal Japan, a young emperor was given a magical katana from three gods - Ra, Rama, and Odin. That he could and had used to defeat and imprison the evil Aku. A shape-shifting Demon, born from The Black Mass of Darkness. He looked humanoid, with a black body, a green mouth, and a red beard which extended from the bottom of his chin. Six horns, four long and two short, that extended from his head. His eyebrows made of red, flickering flame. Who planned to take over the world and rule it.

After a solar eclipse, Aku was freed from his prison. Now seeking revenge, he went to destroy the Emperor's village and capture them. Unbeknownst to him, the Emperor with the help of his wife. Sent their only son, to train in different nations. So that one day, the son could defeat Aku.

The son, who was now a Samurai. Returned to his homeland. Only to see it be exploited and the people; including his father be enslaved. After defeating Aku's minions, which were humanoid demons. Who wore red clothing with the outline of Aku on the front. The Emperor and Samurai, father and son talked. The Samurai went off to face his destiny to destroy Aku.

The Samurai fought the demon fiercely and with percision. About to give the final blow. When caught off his guard, thinking that victory was imminent. Aku used his eye beams to disintegrate the Samurai. The katana fell to the ground. Aku laughed and picked it up by the grip. He then decided to bury the accursed thing. At a undisclosed location.

The Samurai, the supposed savior of his people and Earth had failed. For countless eons, Aku reined supreme. Not only had he conquered the world, but also other planets. His hunger for domination was insatiable. It was to obey him or be destroyed. Many feared him, while his minions respected him. He was the Master of Masters, the Deliverer of Darkness, the Shogun of Sorrow, Aku.

Aku when asked how it went down, would respond with: "Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the Shapeshifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil.
But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I destroyed him with my power. My evil has been law, since then. Now no fool seeks to undo the future that is Aku."

The three gods, Ra, Rama, and Odin. Haven't given up hope yet, and have actually chosen another to take the Samurai's place. The chosen one just doesn't know it yet. Their time will soon come.

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