"You don't know anything about what you're talking about." Karen told her not realizing that when she was talking to Faith she had started to silently cry.

"But you decided to lie to everyone tho." Faith said a bit louder. "I did it to protect everyone from the real truth." Karen told her and Faith had blanked her eyes back in shock.

"Are the twins even Drew's?!" Faith asked her.

And, Karen let out a gasp.

"Do you really think I'm that much of a whore Faith?!" Karen questioned her seriously wanting to know.

"The twins are his we had already went to go get a DNA test done. I was too paranoid and anxiety ridden to even go on in this marriage if the twins weren't his." Karen told her feeling offended by that question while tears poured on her face even more. "No matter what Drew told me about if the twins weren't his he still wasn't going to let me leave." Karen told her because at first Karen was still going off of they had only married to protect her from Greg.

But when that no longer worked because Greg finally came looking her for her at his house she had tried to fight that urge of thinking that this marriage was only for protection and that Drew really didn't love her.

Karen hated to admit it but seeing Greg at her house had made her have some set backs in her progress.

"Damn it, Faith." Karen said not realizing what was happening as she sniffed but Karen just knew that her feelings were hurt.

"I don't know what you want from me but you will not keep disrespecting me in my own home." Karen warned her while sniffling mighty hard trying to stop her tears without actually wiping them because Karen was being in denial about crying. She just didn't want to believe that she was crying again in front of her own daughter.

"Ma." Faith said feeling sorry that she had made her mother cry like that.

She had never really seen Karen cry before except for that time she threw that plate of food in Karen's face at the family dinner with Grandma Tee there. But that was because she ain't know how to act that was when she really didn't have any home training.

But now seeing her mother cry and she knew that Karen didn't realize that she was even crying that actually really hurt Faith.

It was a feeling she never wanted to feel again.

"Ma, I'm sorry." Faith genuinely said actually meaning it for once wanting her mama to stop crying.

But Karen had just shook her head no putting up a hand to her daughters face not being able to hear it right now.

Because Karen's feelings were so hurt that she couldn't say anything about it afterwards she could barely accept Faith's apology.

So, Karen just weakly left Faith's room locking herself inside of her bathroom to have a moment to herself even if she did do nothing but cry in there.

Now here Karen was crying in the bathroom because of Faith.

Her feelings were literally hurt and she couldn't get over the fact that one of her daughters thought of her as still being a whore and all this time she had been trying her best to fight the urges of being that and the urges of getting a job that had fell in line with being associated as such.


Karen even thought about being a sex phone operator just so she could say that she had a job. So she had went in there one day because it didnt require a whole lot but an audition in her best sex voice which she did have because of working on the brothel and working the corners while being a sex slave.

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