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"His father can go to any extent for his own pride and ego, as you know I'm the mafia, and his the leader of our community, so no one can go against him.."

"waitt? Does that mean he's the mafia boss?"

Pallavi interrupts and asks with confusion, her father nodes and continues, she was amazed by the words she is hearing right now..

She already knew that her father is mafia but about Raghav's father! She never knew...

"everyone in our community tried to take him down, but he's that merciless who can kill for his own self.."

"The time came where he have to give his chair of boss to someone else and he himself decided to give this to Raghav!..."

"As he taught Raghav everything by himself, he knew the day will come where he have to give up the chair so he prepared raghav for this time, but Raghav...."

"Raghav had his own dreams, he wanted to fulfill his dream of becoming the most successful businessman of country and he fulfilled, by denying his father, who wanted him to take his place, in front of community members, and that lead his father to make him pay for this... "

"I tried to stop his father from hurting him, but his father never stopped, so I decided to make you marry him, because.. "

"if someone who could help Raghav pass through this difficult time and who can fight against his father is only you!... "

Pallavi was blank at those word's, she takes slow deep breath, and tries to digest the fact....


"can you come to me?"

Pallavi speaks on call to raghav, who was confused, but chose to not ask anything..


Raghav asks and she smiles before telling him where...

Soon raghav arrives where Pallavi called him..

The night was shinning in the moonlight, and the lake near them was making soothing sounds, Which can calm down every inch of your body, she was standing near railings...

Raghav slowly walks up to her before calling her out, with cold tone..


She slowly turns into his direction, his face was cold as usual, he looked at her with blank face, asking why did you called me here?..

While she was trying to figure out that how can he not show any emotion after going through this much...

Her heart clenches at it, her gaze was soft, she was just staring him, while holding the railing with one hand and standing there with heavy heart...

Right now she wanted to comfort him.

She wanted him to let out all the pain.

She wanted to kill that bastard who was the reason of his cold nature.

She wants to see the soft nature he holds behind that cold mask.

In that she unintentionally puts her palm on his cheek, he was taken off guard by sudden touch, his heart beats went crazy..

This mixture of feelings were making her mind numb, she herself don't know that why is she having such kind of feelings and thoughts..

The silence between them was comforting...

Here, even the water of the river flows quietly.
Thousands of silences are hidden behind the full moon.
The raindrops don't have a language.
Out of the burning hearts, the smoke of silence rises.

She caresses his cheek softly, she wanted to do that and she did, her heart felt little heavy at that skin ship..

But that was making someone go insane, his insides were screaming to walk away or to move away from her touch..

But somewhere in the corner of his heart, he loved the touch, he needed this, he felt different emotions which are describable, he closed his eyes to feel it...

And it was so soothing and caring, it felt safe, it felt good...

As they were having a sweet moment, suddenly two cars stop right on the road beside footpath near lake..

They pulls themselves together before recognising that it was Raghav's father's car..

His father steps out and Pallavi looks at raghav, who started to gulp hard, and sweat started to form on his body, she clenched her fist before saying..

"Raghav I think I forgot my phone in car, please bring me.."

Raghav nodes and runs away, Pallavi sighs and looks at his father who was eyeing Raghav..

"oh sir, you here?" Pallavi asks, Mr. Rao squeezes his brows at the way of addressing him changed..

"why sir?"

"my father told me that you're his boss, mafia boss, so it feels good to address you with Sir..."

She says with the calmest tone she can use, Mr. Rao laughs at her answer, and she smiles back with the anger inside her...

"we were just passing by and show Raghav's car, so decided to stop.."

Mr. Rao says, his voice soft, Pallavi chuckles before speaking under her breath..

"oh why don't you decide to die!"

Mr. Rao squeezes his brows and asks.


"Ahhh nothing!" and Pallavi gives him fake smile before making disgusting face from inside...

"I guess I should talk to raghav.."

"No! no, he have cold so he can't speak right now..."

Mr. Rao rolls his eyes before fake smiling, and Pallavi was irritated by this man so she decides to leave after bidding him goodbye..

"umm I need to leave now, bye..."


As Raghav was driving she was glancing him from the corner of her eye, she was making sure that he is all right!...

And he was fine as long as his father was out of his sight...

"umm why did you called me?"

Raghav breaks the ice, first time, Pallavi sighs before answering..

"it was comforting there and I wanted someone beside me, tara was busy so I called you..."

She lied!

'ohh' raghav mouths, and concentrates on his driving, but it was new to him, that she can call him beside tara if she needs someone...

"um.... Like you can also call me if you need someone."

Pallavi speaks with softness in her voice, Which he never show for him, he was blank at the sudden confession...


"Silences have a voice. Come someday to listen to them.
They will blossom after touching you. Call them home someday."


Enjoy the chapter and ignore my mistakes..

And Give your reviews..

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