Part 2- Gods vs Mortals

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The earth trembled as Roro and Jay, stood side by side, gazing up at the colossal figure before them. He was none other than Miu, the God of Death. He loomed over them with a sinister smile on his face but eyes filled with sorrow. His dark aura radiated with immense power around him, and his eyes blazed with an otherworldly rage.

"Your time has come, mortals," Miu growled, his voice echoing across the land. "I have captured Earth in my void, and now, you shall face my wrath! Crushing you will satisfy the soul of my wife that you murdered brutally", as he raised his hands and opened millions of portals around the Earth. At first dead skeletons from this world and other worlds appeared, but were dealt with easily by human-made weapons. Many youngsters came forward for protection and battle against the undead.

Roro and Jay still haven't recovered from the internal damages so we're staying low. Enma and Tama had gone to the hidden void to pamper the newborn energies. Roro and Jay used weapons and armor made up of dragon scales dipped in vampire blood and bestowed with mermaid tears. Prof. R went to the front lines giving orders to fight against the army. A later second wave of undead dragons and strange creatures appeared. Days passed but the battle seemed to be the winning side from Miu. Humanity was struggling while Roro and Jay were waiting for their soul weapons to return, while Prof. R stood as a strong wall of humanity's last hope. After months when Enma and Tama came out of the hidden void, they found the Earth was messed up and was on the verge of devastation. They contacted Roro and Ajay as soon as possible and fused this time with an additional mask. Roro had a dark demon mask while Jay had a white plain mask.

As they called upon their weapons, Roro, wielding a mighty axe infused with dark powers, and Jay, brandishing a polearm weapon crackling with divine light, exchanged determined glances. They had been fighting against Miu for years before, trying to thwart his evil plans of destruction and chaos, and this time they did the same. They had witnessed the mass destruction caused by Miu's relentless onslaught, and their resolve to stop him grew stronger with each passing day. Humanity was pleased to have received help from these Messiahs. They both kept on fighting against the undead. Prof. R on his own cleared half part of Earth and needed rest. While on the other half, Miu opened another portal and summoned his strongest minions and they were accompanied by two mysterious figures, One looked like a female mage/witch while the other looked like a Knight.

Miu with his elite undead Dragons, Knights, Kings, and otherworldly creatures charged against Roro and Jay. With a battle cry, Roro charged at Miu, swinging his axe with formidable strength. Dark energy surged from the weapon, striking Miu's barrier of darkness. The god of death smirked and retaliated with a blast of dark energy but Jay, using his polearm with lightning speed, intercepted the attack, creating a barrier of divine light to protect them both. Roro and Jay fought in perfect tandem, their contrasting powers of darkness and light blending seamlessly in their attacks. Roro tapped into his dark powers, unleashing waves of shadowy energy that lashed out at Miu, causing him and his elite army to stagger. Jay channeled his light powers, healing Roro's wounds and bolstering his strength with bursts of divine energy. While for the undead the healing light turned out to be fatal and vanished their existence.

But Miu was a formidable opponent. He wielded his power over death with deadly precision, conjuring giant humans and creatures skeletal warriors to join the battle. They were as big as the Statue of Liberty, and two were taller than the Statue of Unity. Roro and Jay found themselves surrounded, their weapons clashing against the relentless onslaught of Miu's minions. The battlefield was filled with chaos as destruction reigned.

Roro's eyes glinted with determination as he tapped deeper into his dark powers. He summoned a vortex of shadows that engulfed Miu's minions, disintegrating them into nothingness. With a roar, he charged at Miu, his axe slicing through the air with ferocity. Jay used his polearm to create a blinding flash of divine light, momentarily disorienting Miu and allowing Roro to land a powerful blow on him. Miu's laughter turned into a snarl as he realized the gravity of the situation. He unleashed a torrent of dark energy, causing the ground to crack and crumble. Roro and Jay were forced to leap into the air, narrowly avoiding the devastation.

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