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I promise I don't give in too easily. All my life I had promised myself that I wouldn't give in to people's demands too easily. Back then people who were born with power would try so hard to use me for their selfish purposes and I would flat-out deny them of any sort. I too came from a powerful family, more powerful than the rest.

Like I said I don't give in too easily.

Well, I like to say that, but there have been two times well I did give in. And those times were the best decision of my life.

The first time that I had given in was that of my beloved husband. Gabriel. My foolish, funny, somewhat above average looking man who had a bit of an ego or two in him, with such a charismatic attitude to him.

I know when Liam gets older, he'll wonder how his father had ever gotten me within his grasp. Funnily, enough that wasn't the reality of our story with one another. It was the other way around. I was the one that was trying to charm him.

I had never felt the signs of love with anyone or anything when I was younger. It wasn't because I didn't want to fall in love, it was because I didn't know how to fall in love. No elven had ever caught my eye, even the richest ones could not charm me.

My father, a powerful man, would always tease me for this. For not liking anyone in the kingdom. I would simply say that no one has caught my eye.

Father would just chuckle happily saying that I was right, no one was worthy of me just yet.

But that all changed, when I met Gabriel. Where we met, was a bit of an awkward situation. A human boy was lost in the Forest of Elshire. I was playing around with the animals when I saw him crying. Oh boy, he did cry very loudly, I'm pretty sure from what I recalled, that he cried so loudly that the animals I played with all disappeared.

I sighed to myself, looking at the boy. The first thing I thought about was how much of a crybaby he was and how he ended up here.

I was curious, I had never seen a human before, only from books that my Father had given me. I stared for what felt like a while, it's just that I was so immersed in what the boy was doing, and everything he did interested me.

"What are we watching dear."


I jumped in fright, the only reason was that it was my dad.

"Dad! You can't just scare me like that!" I shouted enough that he could tell how embarrassed I was, but not loud enough that the boy would hear.

He looked over to what I was looking at, his eyes widened ever so slightly.

"A human?" He said. I nodded my head, tugging on his sleeve.

"I think he's lost," I muttered.

Father smiled at me, placing his hand on my head. "What should we do then Aerilyn?"

"Help him find his home!" I chirped loudly, to which Father gave out a belly laugh.

"Help him find his home it is then!"


I'd be honest I kept my distance from him because I was taught that humans and elves don't mix well together. But for some reason, I didn't see any signs or signals about that.

He was just an average boy, that was somewhat pretty attractive. He was very well-mannered for our age, and he seemed to be very kind and good-natured.

I couldn't help but just stare at him. I didn't mean to but he was just so interesting. When we arrived at our place, my mother and brother were waiting there.
They had heard the news of what we were bringing to our place.

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