Adder grins. "I know exactly where you're speaking of. Near the deer, right? I'll bring the food and meet you there."

"Sounds like a plan."

They meet a few minutes later as planned. The gorgon stretches out on the smooth rock, enjoying the warm rays of sunlight as Eben eats his lunch.

Adder looks so beautiful like this, content and glowing. It makes Eben's heart ache sweetly at the sight. Who wouldn't be entranced?

But he has to ruin this perfect moment. There would never be a right time to tell Adder—he just has to do it.

So after the food has been shared, he takes a deep breath and starts. "Adder...we need to talk."

The gorgon sits up, frowning in concern at Eben's anxious tone. "Of course, what is it?"

the half-elf grits his teeth. "Spring is coming soon...Sheppard is going to force me to leave you. You know I—" the half-elf's voice cracks. "You know I don't want to go, right?"

Pain splashes across Adder's face. He pulls his lover into a gentle hug, giving a strong squeeze. "I know. I don't want you to leave either...perhaps Father Sheppard will permit you to visit..."

Eben pulls away, trying to keep calm. "He won't, Adder. Sheppard is—he's using you, and he's going to try and use me too."

Adder turns his face away, clenching his fists. "This again?"

Eben continues, determined. "At Mortfall mass...He announced the nuns, Daisy and Fern, will be executed by you during Koranalia."

Eben pauses, fisting his scarf in anger.

"He had the statues of all the creatures you killed lined up around his pulpit—he wants to put on some...twisted show to intimidate the villagers, and I think now that he knows I can do magic, he has similar plans for me."

Adder is silent, face pinched. Eben tries to hold the gorgon's hand, only for the man to flinch away. "...He has his reasons, I'm sure..."

The half-elf's patience is wearing thin now. "What reasons could there be, Adder?! Two innocent women will die by your hand if you don't stand up to him!"

"Sheppard was the one to stop me from killing more innocents when I arrived here," Adder growls."He helped me learn all I know about the pantheon, and helped me see I could be more than my nature...How can I—how can I trust your word?"

Hurt stabs Eben in the heart. Adder didn't believe him... "So you think I'm lying?"

Adder adjusts his blindfold, coiling protectively around himself. "No I—I don't know. He told me that you might try anything to escape, I..."

The gorgon's voice breaks. "You could just be trying to leave. Why would you want to stay trapped here with me?"

Pent-up fury bubbles up in Eben, unwilling to be suppressed anymore.

"You want the truth?" Eben growls. "I was planning my escape. When I first came here, I made it my goal to manipulate you into freeing me."

When Adder makes a pained expression, Eben grabs the gorgon's hand, squeezing it. "But I changed, Adder. You changed me because I started to feel things for you that I've never felt before. I wanted to be someone who deserves your love."

When Adder doesn't respond, Eben caresses his lover's face. "Please believe me, I'm telling the truth!"

The gorgon pulls away from the half-elf. "I don't know what to believe..."

"Adder, please!"

Emotions are swirling in Eben, ravaging his heart. How can he convey that he has nothing but love for the gorgon? What combination of words will describe how much he needs to protect, care for, and be there for Adder?

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