Eben watches Adder eat for a few moments before turning his gaze to the flickering flames of the fireplace. He wants to say something, but doesn't want to spook the gorgon and send him fleeing again.

Still, he knows he needs to speak up eventually. The half-elf can't endure this long winter with nothing but his own mind for company.

Eben coughs, fingers drumming nervously on the table. "I'm uh, I'm making Mortfall pudding... it should be done soon."

Adder pauses before responding. "Oh...did you add raisins?"

Eben frowns. "No, should I have? I can make it again sometime..."

Adder smiles, hands clutching the earthen mug. "Ah, no. I hate raisins...Helia always insisted on adding them though."

Eben lets out a little laugh. "My dad used to do the same thing! It was always such a pain to prepare them just to ruin the pudding!"

Adder chuckles, taking another sip. The room goes quiet as Eben clenches the table trying to figure out what to say next.

Was it even worth apologizing? Anxiety seems to crawl up Eben's throat, preventing him from saying what he must. He couldn't bear the thought of Adder dismissing his attempts to make amends—or worse yet, dismissing Eben altogether.

The half-elf scolds himself mentally. If he apologized, it would be because he wronged Adder. Not because he had something to gain from the apology.

"Adder..." Eben's voice wavers, "I'm sorry. I was out of line."

Adder tenses, clutching the cup harder. The gorgon sighs deeply, dropping his head before responding. "I just—I just don't understand, Eben. I'm so much stronger than you. Why do you insist on fighting my battles for me?"

Eben grits his teeth. This can't devolve into another argument...he just needs to make his friend understand. "Because you deserve to rest, Adder. You deserve better than being some...some blunt weapon to be wielded without concern! You hate it, don't you? The killing?"

The gorgon turns his face away. "It's not about what I want. You were right, I have to do this to make amends."

Eben grimaces. Clearly, Adder couldn't be convinced his transgressions didn't warrant this punishment. What did he need to say to convince the gorgon?

"Adder, I...I met Helia's friends in town the other day."

At the mention of Helia, Adder perks up. "You did?"

Eben nods. "Adler and Jacqueline. They're concerned...they asked that I watch out for you."

Adder's tail swishes happily. "I didn't know anyone in the village felt that way..."

"Well they do. They were friends of Helia so obviously they care about her son."

Adder turns his head down, claws playing with the woodgrain. "Why are you telling me this though? Surely you aren't saying you're risking your life because they told you to?"

Eben sighs. Did he have to spell it out? "Adder, I'm trying to say that you have people who care about you. They don't—we don't want to see you hurt needlessly."

Adder flushes. "You really care so much that you're willing to endanger your life?"

Eben's heart thumps. He wants to explain in detail just how much he loves Adder. How safe the man makes him feel, how exhilarating it is to finally have someone who wants him. But he bites his tongue. This isn't the time for that.

"Yes, Adder. Is it so hard to imagine that you're worth it?"

Adder blushes harder, coils wrapping securely around himself. "I still can't let you get hurt, Eben. It kills me knowing that you got injured protecting me..."

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