As he approaches, many cower and whimper at the sound of the bells on his wrists. Their horror at just the thought Adder may be near makes Eben's heart twist. No wonder the gorgon is the way he is.

Suddenly, A blood-curdling roar pierces the air, disrupting his thoughts and sending chills down his spine. Steeling himself for what's to come, the half-elf runs towards the sound.

Just as he's about to come to the gate, however, he's stopped in his tracks at a heart-pounding sight. It's a wolf—a huge wolf with sandy-colored fur. It turns its head to Eben at his approach, eyes closed and hackles raised.

The half-elf tenses, wondering just how he is going to take down this beast unaided. Its paws alone look bigger than his head!

The wolf scents the air, mighty snout raised before it opens its eyes to meet Eben's. The half-elf jolts as he recognizes the cold blue gaze of the creature.


The wolf's eyes narrow. It approaches Eben, lying at his feet demurely. He freezes, trying to decipher the werewolf's intentions.

With an eye roll, Daisy gestures for him to climb on her back. Cautiously, he mounts the massive werewolf, who wastes no time in sprinting to the village gate. The half-elf digs his hands into the blonde fur, holding on for dear life as the wolf speeds off at a pace that could keep up with Fairy easily.

As they arrive, a terrifying sight looms into view; a towering minotaur. The half-elf's heart palpitates as he takes in the beast's massive size and bulging muscles. Even Adder would struggle to take down a beast of this size, did they stand a chance?

The minotaur snarls as it spots the duo, lowering its massive horns as it charges at them. Daisy gives a vicious growl in return, dodging nimbly.

The beast runs head-on into the wall with a deafening crash. However, the monster seems unphased, giving another horrific roar as it charges again at them once more. The creature clips them, sending the duo into a painful tumble, but the werewolf recovers quickly as she lands on her feet.

"I have an idea! Drop me off near the wall next chance you get!" Eben yells, hoping the wolf can hear him over the monster.

Daisy doesn't give any acknowledgment she's heard him, but as soon as an opening appears she dashes towards the wall where Eben jumps off.

"Move back Daisy! Let it charge at me!" Eben commands.

Daisy's eyes narrow, looking doubtful as she sizes up Eben's lithe frame.

Eben rolls his eyes. "Just trust me!"

Daisy relents, distancing herself from the half-elf.

When next the monster brays, about to charge at the pale wolf, Eben pelts a stone at its ugly maw. "Over here asshole! Come get it!"

The beast swings its head towards the half-elf, eyes burning with hateful bloodlust. It charges at him with killing intent, eyes wide.

Eben stands his ground, heart pounding as the minotaur approaches. At the last moment, he tumbles away from the lethal-looking horns. The creature crashes into the wall once more, falling to the ground from the concussive force.

Quick on her feet, Daisy lunges at the monster before it has an opportunity to get back up. It howls with a vicious rage as she traps its throat in her jaws, biting down with brutal force.

Eben scrabbles away from the flailing monster but is unable to avoid a brutal punch that sends him careening. As he hits a nearby tree, the world goes dark...

He regains consciousness to the sound of whining. Sitting up with a gasp, he comes face to face with the bloodied snout of Daisy.

The werewolf seems concerned, icy eyes laced with worry. Eben pats her snout clumsily, causing the wolf to jolt in surprise. "I'm fine. I just got knocked around."

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