Chapter 13

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"What's lost can be found"


She's gone, Regina. She's not coming back. Ever since Cora had said those words to her, Regina had locked herself away in her bed chambers and refused to come out. She hadn't eaten in days. She couldn't. All she did was cry until she threw up. There was a knock at the door but Regina ignored it, thinking it was her mother again. "Regina." Henry said.

Hearing her father's voice, Regina waved her hand and the door magically unlocked to allow her father to walk into the room. She sat up as Henry closed the door and saw he had a bowl of soup in his hand. "Tomato soup. Your favourite." He smiled. "I know you said you're not hungry, but give this a try. I worry that you'll make yourself ill by not eating."

"I don't want food, Daddy. I just want my daughter back." Regina said as tears began to well up in her eyes again.

Henry's eyes saddened and he placed the bowl of soup on the nightstand, before sitting on the edge of Regina's bed. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" He asked.

"Not unless you know of a way I can bring her back."

"I wish there was, my darling." Henry sighed. "Perhaps we could create something for her. A memorial of sorts. It'll be nice for you to have somewhere to go and talk to her."

"Mother would only destroy it. She wants no memory of Daniel or Rosemary around here. She acts as though they never existed." Regina said as tears welled up in her eyes. "She never even let me bury my baby."

The nineteen year old turned her head and buried her face into the pillow to allow herself to cry. Henry sighed and placed his hand on Regina's arm in an attempt to comfort her. Though he knew there was nothing in this world or any other that could heal his daughter's broke heart.


"Regina's been acting really strange over these past couple of days." Rose commented as she and Emma walked towards Granny's Diner. Emma gave her a look. "Well, more strange than usual. Gold said something to her and it's like it shook her to her core." Rose added.

"It's Regina we're talking about. I wouldn't think too much about it." Emma said.

As they turned towards the diner, Emma accidentally walked straight into August. "I've been meaning to bump into you." He smiled. "Matter of fact, I was hoping we might grab that drink you promised."

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