Chapter 3

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"Tough Decisions"

Rose sat at a table in Granny's Diner alone. The twins were with Emma, so she was alone. She had noticed Mary Margaret sitting at a table with a doctor from the hospital, but she didn't care enough to listen in on the conversation.

She felt for pendant attached to her necklace and bit her lip. Her ex, the father of the twins, had given it to her as a birthday gift one year. But things ended badly and one night, he disappeared. And for some reason, Rose couldn't bring herself to get rid of the necklace.

With a sigh Rose finished her coffee and stood up. She had paid at the counter before she sat down, so she just left but not without glancing over at Mary Margaret and Doctor Whale. There was something sleazy about the doctor; and Rose didn't like him.


As Rose walked down the street in the dark, she noticed Emma sitting in her car with a flashlight on. The twins sat in the backseats. "How often does she hide out in her car like that?" Mary Margaret asked as she walked over to Rose.

"Not as often as you might think." Rose answered. "What are you doing out here anywhere? It looked like you were on a date."

"Yeah...That didn't go so well. I had to end things early." Mary Margaret sighed.

The two women walked over to Emma's car; and Rose knocked on the window to get her friends attention. Emma looked up and turned the flashlight off as she rolled the window down. "Hey." She said.

"Are you sleeping in here?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Until I find a place." Emma answered.

A small smile crossed Mary Margaret's face when she heard Emma say that. She had hoped that Emma would choose to stay, since she saw how much the woman meant to Henry.

"You decided to stay. For Henry." She said with a small smile. 

Emma nodded her head. "Yeah, I guess I did." She said. "This town doesn't seem to have any vacancies. None, actually. Is that normal?"

"It must be the curse." Noah said with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Why are you out so late?" Emma asked, looking at Mary Margaret.

"Well, I'm a teacher. Not a nun. I had a date." Mary Margaret answered.

"From the look of things, it went well." Emma said.

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