Chapter 27

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" Father Dearest "


Chris couldn't get his mind of that woman he saw at the camp. He had only seen her for what felt like a split second, and usually, he wouldn't think anything about it. Usually, he'd just carry on with his life and never think about seeing a stranger again...but something about her was different. He felt like he knew her, that they had met before but he didn't recognise her.

How was it possible to know a complete stranger?

He had thought about finding her once they made it back to camp. He had to know who she was, and find out why it looked like she knew him too. Maybe they had met briefly in the Enchanted Forest before the curse, and he just didn't remember her. But Chris had great memory, so surely he would've remembered her face.

"Oh my god."

Chris looked up when he heard Emma's voice, and his eyes grew wide at what he saw. The bodies of Safe Haven's settlers were sprawled across the ground.

"This can't be. Our land, we were protected here, hidden." Mulan said. "How did the ogres find us?"

"Ogres didn't do this." Mary Margaret said. "Cora did. Their hearts...they were ripped out. This was her magic - twisted and evil. We have to stop her."

Mulan shook her head. "It's too late. She killed them. She killed them all!"

"We have to stop her before she hurts anyone else." Mary Margaret said.

There was a mumbled voice coming from somewhere, and Chris wandered over to a small pile of large wooden planks and tinned roofing. He pulled a wooden plank back, and found Captain Hook underneath. "Please help me." The pirate begged.

Chris went to reach his hand out to help the pirate up, when a piece of wood swung down and hit his arm. The wood broke almost immediately and Chris blinked before looking up, ready to retaliate but he froze. "It's you." He whispered.

The blonde woman just stared at him for a moment, before she pushed him out of the way and helped Hook back onto his feet. "Who are you?" Chris asked, not taking his eyes off the woman. But she didn't reply. She didn't say a word. She just stared at the man in front of her, curiosity peaking through the hard frown on her face.

"It's okay." Mary Margaret said, stepping forward. "You're both safe now. We won't hurt you."

Hook smiled. "Thank you. Thank you."

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