Chapter 22

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"A Land Without Magic"

Emma and Rose stuck right by the side of Henry's stretcher as he was being rushed into the ICU. One of the nurses tried to keep them back, but they both pushed past her and followed Henry into his room where Doctor Whale was examining him. "There's no pupil response." He said. "What happened, did he fall? Hit his head?"

Holding up a clear sandwich bag, Emma showed the apple turnover to the doctor. "He ate this. I think it's poisoned." She said.

"His airways clear. Did he vomit? Any convulsions or disorientation?" Whale asked.

Rose replied, "He took a bite of this and then he just collapsed! So, run the tests for arsenic or bleach or Drano or whatever could have done this to him!"

"The boy is showing no symptoms that would suggest neurotoxins. So, whatever's going on..." Whale said before taking the turnover from Emma. "This is not the culprit."

"Well, what else could it be?!" Emma asked.

"I don't know. That's what I'm trying to find out." Whale replied.

"He's gonna be okay though, right?" Rose asked.

"Right now, we just need to stabilize him, 'cause he's slipping away." Whale said. "Is there anything else that either of you can remember, any little detail?"

"I already told you everything. DO something!" Emma demanded as she dumped Henry's backpack out on on a chair.

"Look, I understand you're frustrated, Miss Swan. I do, but I need something to treat." Whale said. "Right now, there is no explanation. It's like..."

"...Like magic." Emma said softly as she picked up the Once Upon A Time story book. The title on the book glowed and Emma saw a flashback of Prince Charming taking baby Emma to the wardrobe and placing her inside.

"All the stories in this book really happened. You should know more than anyone because you're in this book."

As Henry's words echoed in Emma's mind, Regina ran into the room with tears threatening to fall from her eyes at any second. "No." She whimpered as she set her eyes on her son's unconscious body.

Emma handed the book over to Rose before she grabbed Regina's arm; and dragged her out of the room. She pushed her into a supply closet where the two had a physical altercation. "You did this!" Emma yelled.

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