Chapter 7

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"Waylen Stark"


Rose sat in the diner with her head in her hands. She couldn't stop thinking about kissing Chris the night before; and she also couldn't believe that she allowed herself to do it. She couldn't understand why she did it.

It was a heat of the moment thing. That's what she was telling herself.

It definitely didn't have anything to do with the feelings she was beginning to develop for him. Even if it did, she was going to ignore them. She swore off being in a relationship since her ex up and left.

Rose sighed and lifted her head, just as Emma stormed out with Graham following her.

Emma was still annoyed that Graham had lied to her about where he was, and still grossed out that he had spent the night with Regina while Henry was in the house.

Chris had entered the diner, just as Emma and Graham were leaving. He partially opened his mouth to ask if everything was okay, but decided it was probably best to leave them alone.

He looked around the diner and spotted Rose, who promptly sunk down in her seat when the two of them made eye contact.

"Oh my god." She groaned.

Chris sat down opposite Rose in the booth, and smiled at her. But she didn't return the smile. All she could do was look at Chris in dread. She was hoping that she could do a few days without seeing him, but he was making that impossible.

"I think this is probably the most upset I've ever seen you." Chris said.

Rose sighed. "I'm not upset, I'm just...I don't know. I guess I'm just annoyed at myself for-"

"Kissing me?" Chris questioned.

"I'm sorry it happened. I don't normally go around kissing everyone." She said.

"Hey, I'm not complaining." Chris said. "I was surprised but I'm not gonna complain about it."

Rose finally allowed herself to make eye contact with Chris and she had to fight the smile that was trying to appear on her face. She couldn't believe she had allowed herself to act like such a fool around a man she barely knew. She was forty-five years old and found herself blushing and acting like a nervous teenager every time she was around Chris.

"Where are your kids? They're usually attached to your hip when you're here." Chris said.

"Oh, they're working on homework." Rose said.

"Homework already?" Chris questioned.

Rose nodded her head. "They're good kids, so they don't mind." She said.

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