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Jack smiled at me when the kiss ended. "I can't believe we just kissed." I shook my head.

"I can't either." He blushed. "We should go back in it's getting cold." Jack stood up. I nodded and joined him.

We walked back upstairs to the room and saw Taylor with his shirt off and Nash smelling his feet.

"Where did you guys go?" Nash looked up. "I needed some air." I looked down at my shoes and then sat down again with Jack.

"I have to say, you guys are pretty chill." Cameron smiled. Olivia laughed, "Thanks." Aaron sighed. "I wish you didn't have to leave us."

"I do too." Olivia said. I was just about to say something when Bart walked in.

"Guys I just want to tell you all-" his words were cut off when he made eye contact with me and Olivia.

"Hello girls." he said. "This is Olivia and Maya. They are friends of ours." Gilinsky mentioned. Bart nodded.

"Are they coming with us to MagCon?" He asked. I looked around as they all shrugged. "Yes they are." Hayes said. Me and Olivia looked at eachother and quietly fangirled.

"Great. I came to tell you all that we have a flight at 10 AM tomorrow to Seattle." Bart said. The guys nodded and he left.

"So I guess you guys aren't leaving us?" Aaron laughed. "Guess not." I shrugged.

"Alright well me and Maya should probably go and pack for tomorrow." Olivia stood up. I stood up too and we walked to the door.

"Just meet us at the airport tomorrow at nine." Cameron said. I turned back and smiled before we left the hotel and drove to our apartment.

We were sitting in our apartment watching AHS as we packed. "Liv I gotta tell you something." I said as I packed a pair of leggings.

"What's on your mind now?" She smirked. I laughed, "Well. You know how me and Jack went outside?" I asked.

She stopped packing her makeup and looked at me. "What happened?" I shrugged and looked at the TV again.

"Maya." She said. "We kissed." I shrugged. She froze and held my shoulder. "You kissed?!" She started freaking out.

"Yeah." I giggled. "Was it like a makeout or kiss?" She asked. "I don't know." I smiled. "Your ridiculous." She shook her head.

"I really like the Jacks. I just hope they both don't like me." I said. "Just be careful and choose wisely." She looked at me sincerely.

I smiled again and we went back to packing and watching Netflix.

Next morning

I woke up to the AHS Freaks show theme song playing.

"Of course she didn't turn off the TV." I rolled my eyes and turned off the TV with the remote. I got off the couch where we slept and walked to my room.

I turned on Spotify and got into the shower. The songs made me sing which made Liv wake up and come to yell at me.

"Stop singing!" She yelled from her room. I still sang to make her angry. After my shower I changed into a navy blue long sleeved romper and a pair of nude sandals.

"Are you curling or straightening your hair?" I asked as I brushed my wet hair out on Olivia's bed.

"I'm keeping mine in a hair tie today but I'm bringing my curler so bring your straightener." I nodded and returned to my room. After I finished blow drying my hair straight and applying concealer, powder, bronzer and mascara I zipped my suitcase.

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