chapter 10

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What does that even mean anyway? Especially when it's said directly after acknowledging and accepting that the person you're saying it to will possibly murder you at some point.

"I'm your friend. Okay?" The words echo around Jeff's head as he tries to understand what they mean. He'd agreed with them, but it wasn't exactly phrased like he had a choice in the fact stated. No, Adrian said it to him like it was a fact either way. He said he doesn't care if he's hurt or killed, and he sure has been acting like that's true, but still Jeff wonders if he's trying to avoid harm somehow with his incessant friendliness. And fuck, if so, is it working?

Jeff is pulled out of his thoughts when a mug is placed onto the table in front of him. "Tea." Adrian says as he sits across the table from Jeff with a mug of his own. Adrian had come down to the kitchen after Jeff showed up in his bedroom, and too confused and lost in thought to do anything else, Jeff just followed.

He looks down into the mug of hot liquid that's been placed in front of him, though is too lost in scattered thoughts to really register it, instead just staring at the light shimmering on the surface of the liquid as he thinks.

"You... okay?" Adrian asks hesitantly. "After last time you were here, I mean. You seemed pretty... distressed."

Jeff hears the question, but doesn't care to think about or respond to it. He's still much too preoccupied with the words Adrian said to him upstairs.

"I'm not lonely." he says quietly, seeming distant and distracted, still just staring into the mug of tea.

Adrian rests his head on his hand, looking intently at the boy across from him. He takes a second to consider his response before speaking. "Then why are you here? And honestly, why did you come back here at all after I helped you when you were hurt?" he pauses, giving time for a response that doesn't come. "I think it's pretty simple. It's been a very long time since you had anyone to talk to. You like it. That's okay, you know?"

Jeff laughs suddenly, now looking at Adrian. "If you think you're safe just because I like talking to you, then you're-"

"I know I'm not safe, Jeff." Adrian cuts him off. "I'm not trying to convince you that you don't want to kill me, or that you're soft or whatever. You're a very dangerous and very deadly mass murderer. I dig that, even." he smiles slightly. "You know, people kill their friends all the time. Doesn't have to mean anything other than you getting something that you clearly want. Second you're bored of me," he drags a finger across his neck and lolls his head to the side to dramatically mime slitting his throat. "Throw me away. Lord knows that's what everyone else does. That's what friendship is, really..." dull brown eyes look down, seeming to have slight sadness behind them despite the smile still on the teens lips. "Oh, and," he again looks at Jeff with a cheerful expression. "Thank you. I like talking to you too."

Jeff's face heats up in a mix of embarrassment and anger. He didn't mean to say that, and definitely didn't mean it as a compliment. "Shut up.'' he spits out as his only response, looking away from Adrian and letting long black hair fall in front of his eyes.

Adrian smirks, incredibly amused to have somewhat flustered Jeff. "I've got to say though, man," he takes a sip of his tea. "The whole trying to freak me out thing, it's getting kinda old." His mug is placed back down and he leans over the table closer to Jeff, the psychopath still not reacting or looking at him. "So, like, next time you act like you're gonna kill me, actually do it. Yeah?" a playful smile creeps at the corners of his mouth. "Stop being such a tease."

And with that, Adrian gets up and turns to walk out of the room. "I'm going back to bed." he turns back to face Jeff from the doorway. "I hope you're still around tomorrow? You're still welcome to stay here, whenever you want." he yawns. "Night, dude." he heads upstairs, leaving Jeff still sitting at the kitchen table.

Jesus fucking christ what am I doing? Here Jeff is AGAIN, in this damn house getting sassed by this damn kid who's long outlived his usefulness yet is still breathing.

Though, Jeff has to admit, he can't explain his behaviour any better than the explanation that Adrian gave. Loneliness. It only makes sense for him to enjoy social interaction when he's lived without it for so long. And as agitated by the lack of fear as he is, that is the exact kind of person it would take to give Jeff someone to talk to...

Fuck it. It's not like he hasn't kept someone alive a little longer out of amusement before. This is just a more drawn out version of that. So yes, Jeff will go along with this. For now. Who knows, it might make the eventual kill more satisfying.

Jeff laughs to himself. 'friends' isn't exactly a label he'd use for a relationship where one will eventually murder the other. But he quite likes the way Adrian describes the concept of friendship. Far more honest than the sugary bullshit lies most people delude themselves with.


The next day, Adrian comes down to see if Jeff is still around. He doesn't find him in the shed and returns to the house disappointed, though as he turns the corner back into the living room he's startled when Jeff is suddenly right there.

"Ah- hey." Adrian greets despite the jumpscare. "I thought you wouldn't keep trying to scare me like that?"

"I don't know what the fuck makes you think you can tell me what to do." Jeff points his knife in Adrian's direction and glares daggers at him. Adrian rolls his eyes, but smiles.

"Fair point, I guess." he walks past Jeff and over to the sofa. "Anyways, you wanna watch tv or something?" he asks with a yawn as he sits down.

Jeff watches him with an annoyed look on his face for a moment before responding. "Whatever." he mumbles, sitting down as well.

And just like that, they're back to this; Jeff staying with Adrian between killing sprees and the two hanging out together like- ... well, like friends. 

Darkside (a Jeff the killer romance)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें