chapter 7

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"This is stupid." Jeff mutters in frustration as he watches Adrian rummage around in one of the kitchen drawers. "I'm just gonna go get some sleep, I'm tired." He decides that he isn't in the mood to be annoyed by the insufferably friendly boy at the moment, despite having just come into the house to find him after being gone for a few days. He starts to leave through the door to the back garden.

"Hey, come on," Adrian grabs him by the arm to stop him from leaving. "That looks really nasty.'' He's referring to a cut on the side of Jeff's forearm which has soaked his hoodie sleeve in blood and seems to still be bleeding. Jeff turns back, aggressively snatching his arm away from the unwanted physical contact. Adrian raises his hands, wordlessly apologising for having grabbed him. "Hey, just... Just please let me clean and bandage it, and, umm..." the teen thinks for a moment. "And next time I'm out I'll pick up more of those blue drinks? You know, the ones you really liked?" he asks, or more begs, with a hopeful smile. Jeff sighs. He doesn't say anything, but doesn't go to leave again either, instead defeatedly walking over and sitting at the kitchen table.

"This is still stupid." The annoyed maniac complains again as Adrian sits down next to him and sets medical supplies down onto the table. He doesn't respond to Jeff's childish whining, just holds out his hand towards him.

"Can you, uh, give me your arm please?" he's careful not to touch him without warning again. Jeff slowly complies, holding his injured arm out cautiously to Adrian, who gently takes him by the wrist and moves his hoodie sleeve up. "Damn, ouch. Looks like it hurts." he positions Jeff's arm on the table and starts to go about cleaning the deep gash. "How'd it happen?"

"Some asshole pushed me through a window." Jeff mumbles his response, watching with a bored expression on his face.

"Well," Adrian glances up for a second from what he's doing. "I sure hope they learned their lesson." Jeff smiles at his words.

"Oh, they did."

As Adrian is bandaging Jeff's arm, there's a sudden sound. Lady Gaga's 'love game' rings out through the quiet house, and both boys turn to the ringing mobile phone on the table next to them. Adrian reaches for it, pressing a button to silence the phone but not picking it up. He then goes back to bandaging Jeff's arm. "Don't mind that, just a friend of mine." he explains, despite the lack of being asked.

"Are you finished playing nurse?" Jeff asks in a snarky tone as he examines his freshly bandaged arm. He gets up without waiting for the response.

"Yeah..." Adrian stands too, starting to gather the medical stuff from the table and put it away. Jeff is annoyed at having had to sit and let Adrian dress his wound.

"Then goodnight." he opens the door and heads off down the garden.

Lady Gaga is heard again, loudly cutting through the silence Adrian is left in. He ignores his ringing phone in favour of watching Jeff out of the window until he's completely out of sight. Then he eventually picks up the phone, still not answering it but texting the person calling. "Sorry, actually I can't come. See you another time." he then takes one final look out of the window before heading upstairs to bed.


The next day, Adrian is cooking in the kitchen, singing along quietly to music he's listening to on his headphones. He's just tipping the food from a frying pan onto two plates when he notices something in the window. He puts the pan down and takes off his headphones. "Oh, damn." he says, walking over to the window and opening it to the ginger cat sitting on the ledge outside. "Hey, mr fluffysocks. How long have you been there?" The cat meows happily and walks in and onto the kitchen side. Adrian pets it and scratches behind its ears as it purrs and rubs against him. "Hang on," he walks over to the fridge and gets a little piece of ham for the animal. The cat is very appreciative of the treat, eating it and then rubbing its head into Adrian's hands some more.

Darkside (a Jeff the killer romance)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن