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Jeff is slightly confused when he wakes up in Adrian's bed. He shifts under the blankets, eyes open just enough to groggily take in his surroundings and glance briefly at the sleeping form of the boy next to him, before closing again as he settles back into being extremely comfortable. His comfort only lasts as long as it takes him to remember why he's in Adrian's bed, however, and then he's suddenly wide awake.

Jeff is unable to hold back the pathetic whining groan that escapes him as he remembers exactly what transpired the night before. He had a nightmare, went to find Adrian for some stupid reason, cried like a bitch, and climbed into his bed with him like a scared child. Christ, when did he get so pathetic? He brings a hand to his mouth and bites at one of his fingers in an attempt to stop himself from making another distraught noise at his own pitiful actions. Another glance toward Adrian to make sure that he's still asleep, and Jeff is delicately getting out of the bed and sneaking out of the room as quietly as possible.


Adrian rubs his eyes groggily as he steps into the living room. "Morning." He greets Jeff, who is sitting on the floor beside the coffee table. There's a few knives on the ground in front of him (his favourite one, as well as two from Adrian's kitchen, and a large hunting knife) that he appears to be sharpening. "You okay?" Adrian asks when the killer doesn't register his presence.

"I'm fine." Jeff snaps aggressively without looking up from what he's doing.

Not wanting to annoy Jeff further, Adrian keeps walking and heads into the kitchen, happy to give him some space. He fully expected him to be pissed off after last night, anyway. The guy despises being vulnerable, and lashes out as a result. Adrian's just thankful that this time didn't result in a beating, honestly.

In the kitchen, Adrian lazily goes about making toast, humming quietly to himself as he does. He sets his plate on the table and is pouring himself a glass of orange juice, when the sound of combat boots on the kitchen tiles causes him to look up to see Jeff walking into the room. "You leaving?" Adrian asks, seeing that Jeff's wearing his jacket and has a bag slung over his shoulder. The question only gets a grunt in response as Jeff walks to the back door. "I'll, uh, see you, then... Be safe..."

Jeff leaves without a word. Adrian sighs and sits down at the table, resting his head on a hand and staring down at the toast in front of him with a glum expression.


In a cold damp apartment, a woman sits at her computer, the only light that of her monitor and glowing keyboard as she boredly types away between sips of off brand energy drink. Headphones blasting loud music into her ears, she's deaf to anything going on around her. She doesn't hear the creaking of the old window as it's slid open, or the footsteps of someone approaching her from behind. She remains clueless of the danger she's in right up until there's a plastic bag over her head. And at that point, it's too late.

The futile struggle doesn't last long. Once it's over, the woman slumps over onto her keyboard, dead. Her killer just stands there for a moment, looking down at her body. Then at his shaking hands. A single tear rolls down his cheek, which he quickly wipes away, forcing himself not to dwell on what he's done.

Means to an end. Just focus on the goal.

These little reminders are becoming more and more needed, the more morals he finds himself needing to part with in the name of accomplishing his objective.

Liu sighs, once again tearing his eyes away from the body of the woman he's just killed. That's when his phone rings, slicing through the heavy silence and startling him.

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