chapter 15

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"Ugh." Adrian lets out a frustrated sound as he walks into his home, closing the front door a bit too harshly behind him, the sound echoing throughout the large house. He's not had a great day. He was ignored a few too many times, heard a few too many mean spirited jokes aimed at him, and on top of it all, had to walk home in the middle of the night from the other side of town in the rain because no one would give him a lift.

He sighs, taking off his soaking wet jacket and mindlessly tossing it aside. As he walks through the house towards the kitchen, he checks his phone. As expected, no messages asking if he got home safe. There is one text though, which he opens after flicking on the kitchen lights and pouring himself a glass of water.

"Of course." The teen mutters with a roll of his eyes, leaning against the kitchen side and staring at the text message. The text is from Danny, who was at the party Adrian just came from and spent the whole time ignoring him, but is now asking to come over.

Adrian groans in frustration looking at the text. He doesn't know how to respond. Or, rather, he does know how he should respond. He should say no. Or, better yet, ignore him like he ignores Adrian around other people. But the frustration comes from knowing that he's probably going to say yes and have him over, because the brief company is worth his self respect, apparently.

He's just about to type out his response when he notices something. He puts down his phone, smiling at the sight of a bloodied kitchen knife laying on the table. "Yeah, you can go fuck yourself, Danny." He mumbles, putting his phone down and deciding to ignore the text. He takes a sip from his glass of water before putting that down too and leaving the room, heading upstairs to bed. He's excited that Jeff, his favourite friend for the time being, is apparently back and that he'll have someone to hang out with tomorrow.


The next morning, Jeff can hear Adrian approaching before he knocks on the shed door.

He doesn't get up to open the door, or respond when his name is called. He sits cross legged on the floor, facing away from the door. Jeff's pale hand trembles as he wipes tears out of his eyes. He wants to tell Adrian to go away, but he's afraid of how pathetic his voice might sound. So he just does his best to steady his shaky breathing as he hears the door open behind him.

"Jeff?" Adrian calls cheerfully as he steps into the room. "Uh-" His voice shifts to that of concern upon seeing his friend sitting facing the corner of the room. "Jeff...?" It's obvious that he's distressed in some way. Adrian's first instinct is to ask what's wrong, and even to go over to try to comfort him. But, he knows better. He knows that Jeff doesn't react well to being seen as vulnerable and that it would only make it worse.

"I'm not in the fucking mood. Piss off." The killer's words are aggressive, overly so even for him. This is an attempt to mask any weakness in his voice and prevent any other emotions from showing, but it's easily seen through and only affirms to the other that he isn't okay. Though, there isn't much that can be done. Jeff will only lash out at any attempt to help him and Adrian is fully aware of that.

"Okay." The teen does his best to speak plainly and not make his concern obvious, because he honestly understands and respects that Jeff doesn't want what he will only view as pity. "I'll be in the house." He leaves and closes the door behind him.

Jeff is glad that Adrian was easy to get rid of, despite usually being so annoying. Once he's sure that he's alone, he sighs and falls backwards to lay on the ground. A string of incoherently muttered swear words leave his mouth, not aimed at anything in particular; just noise being made in an attempt to distract from thoughts.

He hates that he gets like this.

Instability and lack of control, that's all to be expected, it's the norm for the deranged murderer. But it's usually coming out through violence, anger, bloodlust. He's usually strong. This though? A pathetic emotional wreck, shaking and crying, tearing himself apart. He doesn't feel strong when he's like this. And that only adds to the raging fire of self hatred.

Darkside (a Jeff the killer romance)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu