chapter 2

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"Jeff?" Adrian calls softly, opening the shed door. "Oh." There's no one there. Jeff is gone.

The teen sighs, sitting down on the sofa. He heard someone in his house last night, so it's not too surprising to find that his new guest had regained enough mobility to leave. But he's still disappointed.

Months pass.

"But It's been so long since you came over." Adrian wines, crossing his arms with a sad expression on his face as his friend stands up. "Can't you stay at least for a while?"

"Look," the other boy sighs, not wanting to be having this conversation. "I came here to sell you this." He waves the baggy of weed in Adrian's face. "And now I'm leaving."

"Please, Danny~" Adrian moves closer to him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders, their faces only an inch apart. "I'll do anything~" Adrian presses his lips to the other boys and moves even closer to him, kissing him and pressing their bodies together. Only briefly however, as Danny takes a step back, pulling himself away from Adrian.

"not tonight, Adrian. I've got stuff to do."

Adrian just stands there, staring at the ground. "Please." He begs quietly. Danny doesn't seem amused by this neediness. He picks up his bag and heads to the door.

"See ya, dude." And suddenly Adrian's alone.

"Asshole!" He shouts in frustration, throwing the baggy of weed at the door. When that isn't satisfying enough, he kicks a nearby paper bin for good measure. Then he sighs, sliding down with his back to the door until he's slumped in a sad little pile on the ground.

"Wow," A low voice speaks with a chuckle. "What a childish little outburst."

Adrian lifts his head, looking around the dark room but seeing no one. "Danny?" He calls, confused.

The voice laughs again. Adrian realises that it's coming from outside of the open window. "No."

Then suddenly, there's a person climbing through the window. He perches on the window frame casually, intense black lined eyes fixed on Adrian and an already wide grin made all the more maniacal by the gruesome scars on the pale skin of his face.

"Jeff." Adrian realises, smiling and standing up to greet him. "Hey."

Jeff's demeanour falters slightly, perhaps because he isn't used to hearing his name, or perhaps because he'd usually expect fear and panic in place of the warm greeting. "Uh. Yeah." His grin turns to a slight frown and he hops down from the window.

"I didn't think I'd see you again." Says Adrian, approaching slowly but being careful not to get too close.

"Yeah, well," Jeff shrugs, "who am I to deprive you of such a privilege?" He asks with a playful grin. His eyes are still fixed on Adrian's, as if daring him to look away first.

"Do you..." Adrian takes a slow cautious step towards Jeff. "need somewhere to stay?"

Jeff's expression turns dark, almost angry as he pulls a large kitchen knife from his pocket and points it at Adrian in a threatening manner, "I am not an injured baby bird for you to nurse back to health this time, kid." he moves closer, getting right into his face, pressing the tip of the knife to his chest. "What makes you think I'm not here to get rid of a witness?" His tone is dark and threatening, though it also seems like a genuine question.

"Well," Adrian remains calm despite his heart racing, refusing to move away from the knife or break eye contact. "I guess I don't." he speaks slowly, choosing his words carefully whilst looking up at the taller boy, trying to read his face. "But you don't really seem the type to worry about stuff like that."

Darkside (a Jeff the killer romance)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن