Forever Together

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Ship: Joel x Etho
Pure fluff <3

Etho strolled down the dim pathways with his soulmate by his side. It was their one year anniversary from when they first found eachother in that mineshaft, he smiled behind his mask and Joel could tell as his eyes crunched when he did. As they walked along Ethos hand gripped Joels. They had built a life on a ship where they were constantly surrounded by friends and family happily.

Neither of them wanted to break the peace that had formed between them by talking, so instead they just pondered their thoughts. The couple of males grinned as they walked along as they thought of the first time they met. In third life when they were just taking their boats along the river side. Little did they know that interaction would turn into something they would never forget.


The wind was harsh along my face as the boat was ramming into the lily pads, Joel's hand was hanging off the side of the boat snagging any green sheets with the blooming flowers. He was going to monopolise these one day he thought as he kept collecting them.

His arm was becoming tired of rowing at carrying all these water-logged lily pads. So he just went to the middle of the water source to just sit down. Just as he heard a new voice talking to themselves. Flowing white hair hitting their face as they whipped down the water before stopping in front of Joel with a smile.

"Hey Buddy" The soft voice was nice, it was soothing. He grinned at the figure.
"Hi, I'm Smallishbeans. You can call me Joel though." Joel had met the person's Heterochromic eyes, a bright red one and a dull grey one.
The man put his hand out for a handshake as he said "Im Etho Slab. Nice to meet cha"
They quickly slipped into a conversation about the large green leaves that skimmed the water.

"Well you can have all my lily pads if you want, don't know how you're gonna get every one of these slimy leaves but good luck" He passed them over before going back the way he came. Joel grinned to himself with a small laugh before going his own way.


Etho stopped in his tracks to look at Joel. Then he pulled him into a tight hug. "Thank you Joel." He looked so genuine as his eyes glistened. "For what?"
"For everything, I'm so happy I had stumbled across you and you lilypad obsessed self all those years ago." Joel's smile shined as he said " Well thanks for the lilypads you had found that night" His hand was brushing through the taller males flowing white hair.

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