Logic over Feelings

Start from the beginning

"Sorry about that," Her face went back to being stoic.

"You didn't have to get dressed up really, I just wanted to ask you about something,"

She sat on her bed and I sat down on a chair at her desk, I was sitting so the back of the chair was at my chest.

"Ais...What would you do if a monster could talk? Or rather feel emotion?"

"...That's sudden,"

A silence then enticed us.

"If a monster would make a person cry...Then I would kill it, that's all there is to it,"

"You disappoint me Ais, after all these monsters are real and they do cry and laugh. Tell me then, what makes humans different from monsters?"

"..." She opened her mouth to speak but any argument she could make was easily going to be shut down. Both Xenos and Humans have emotions, both look different but if that matters then what about Elves and other races? And Humans also hurt each other just as monsters could harm humans.

"No answer? It seems like you still got a lot of work to do...Hero,"

I stood up to leave but when I did she called out.

"This question isn't one about Logic, it's about feeling. I feel that if a monster were to make a human cry I would kill it,"

She has more spine than I thought...But her resolve is still too weak.  

"So? Are you saying your personal feeling is more important than what's best overall? Not just about this matter but any?"

"..." She once again didn't have a response

I then left.

'That should do good enough,'




(Ikelos POV an hour earlier)

"Huuuhh? You want me to go after this Prodigy kid?" I said as I looked at his profile.

"Yes, I need to confirm that it was him. I'm confident it was him but lots of people have black hair and look young. Just ask him, that should be easy enough for you, you useless god,"

The person talking to me in such a disrespectful way was Dix. His goggles covered his eyes and he had a read-tipped spear over his shoulder.

"You can say what you want as long as I'm still having fun...I guess I can play along. By the way, you guys are going hunting again today right?"

"Yea, we're just going to use bait. Should be easy,"

"Well, I'm going now,"

(Bell POV)

The next thing to do today was to meet up with Hermes, I wanted to ask him for a piece of info and this was something he likely should have thought of as well.

As I walked to their base a god stood right in front of me with his hands in his pockets, he had a cocky smirk as he walked up to me like he was drunk.

"You're Bell Cranel correct?"

"Yes, can I help you Ikelos?"

"Another brat that doesn't respect me..."

"Not just you, I don't like the words lord or lady,"

"Well whatever, I'll get to the point Bell Cranel," He put his arm around my shoulder and leaned in. "Have you seen a talking Vouvire?"

"Wait...Are you saying monsters can talk?!"

If Ikelos had done his homework on me then it's likely he knows that I'm smart, now I have a reason for getting involved in this scheme other than the fact that the guild invited me. This'll give me a good alibi if needed.

"Nah, just a god messing around on a whim, don't worry about it brat,"

As he started to walk away another face showed itself. 

"So you finally showed yourself Ikelos," Hermes said as he walked out from an ally. "Quite bold for you to be in my territory, so were you here for me or maybe Bell?"

To put it simply Ikelos was screwed, right now in front of him were two of the best manipulators in all of Orario, and he was about to reveal so much information that his familia mine as well leave after this.

"After me? He said he was here on a whim," 

"No, no according to my report, he's been following you for a while,"

"Why were you following Ikelos, Hermes?" I asked like I confused

"Well, he did just tell you that secret. He's been in a scheme that involves talking monsters and kidnapping him,"

He tried to sneak out as we went back and forth but Hermes grabbed him by the back of the shirt not letting him go. 

"If you've been watching him carefully though then can't you just follow him home?" I asked

"He always manages to sneak by us, he likely has some magic items, plus his base doesn't even seem to be around here..." He shot me a glance the said 'Don't bring that up,'

"I see, If his base isn't up here then it means-"

"That's right! 100 points for you Bell it's in the dungeon. Where though is the hard part..."

"Chances are that it's on the 18th right?"

"We've checked there but with no luck,"

Ikelos held his breath for a moment when I brought up the fact that the base may be on the 18th floor and when Hermes shot it down he breathed out a super small sigh of relief. Hermes noticed it too.

"Well, I guess that's all there's to talk about. Later, Hermes, I would love to talk again if we have some time so please don't be afraid to stop by,"

"Will do, will do!" 

I then left them behind.

(Hermes POV)

'He's going to drive himself crazy,'

I don't know all the specifics of what Bell's been through but he looks worse and worse each time I see him, he does such a good job hiding it that a normal person can't tell, and the people who can tell already know how he is and likely thinks 'It's Bell we're talking about so he'll be fine,' 

I won't be the one to do anything though, my goal is to help him grow, he needs to talk to someone about it, not have someone talk to him about it.

"Can you let me go now?" Ikelos asked

"Haha! Sorry, forgot about you," I let go of him.

"Well, I just wrapped that kid in this situation. What did ya want from me, Hermes?"

"I believe you know what I want to talk about..."

(Bell POV)

I walked back home and along the way I see the benevolent mistress, I hadn't talked with Ryu for a long time, so I thought about stopping by but with the recent events, I decide not to.

'She probably wouldn't want to see me now,'

I continue walking home as I start to piece the plan together.

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